The Gazette 1985
APRIL 1985
Lost Wills CUMMINS, Christopher, deceased, late of Kimmage Manor, Dublin. Will any Solicitor knowing the whereabouts of a Will of the above named deceased please contact Christopher Beatty of Vincent & Bcatty, Solicitors, 67/68 Fitzwilliam Square. CURRIE, Robert, late of Moyle, Newtowncunningham, County Donegal. Would any person having any knowledge of the whereabouts of a Will of the above named deceased, who died on ISth July, 1984, please contact V.P. McMullin & Son, Solicitors, Donegal Street, Ballybofey, County Donegal. Ref. BI/AD/13/85. 'Phone Ballybofey 10. KENNY, Miss Charlotte, late of 30 Thorndale Court, Collins Avenue, Whitehall, Dublin 9 (and formerly: 12, Derrynane Parade, North Circular Road and also No. 25, Blessington Street, Dublin) who died at Jervis Street Hospital, Dublin, on the 7th March, 1985. Will any person having knowledge of the whereabouts of any Will of the above named please contact Noonan McAlister & O'Connor, Solicitors, Navan, County Meath. McCANN, Maureen, deceased, late of Shercock, County Cavan. Would any Solicitor holding a Will of the above named deceased kindly contact Michael Keane & Co., Solicitors of Claremorris, County Mayo. Telephone: (094) 71601. O'BRIEN, Kathleen, deceased, late of Park House, Polio Fellowship of Ireland, Stillorgan, Co. Dublin and formerly of Knockrower (Farm), Stradbally, County Waterford. Will anyone having knowledge of a Will and codicil of the above named who died recently please furnish details to J.F. Williams & Co., Solicitors, Dungarvan, County Waterford. Telephone No. (058) 41922. O'BYRNE, Clare (Orse Byrne) late of 25, West Street, Drogheda, Co. Louth and formerly of Mornington, Drogheda, Co. Meath. Would anyone knowing of the whereabouts of a Will of the above named deceased who died on the 28th February, 1985, please contact Messrs. Dick Branigan& Associates, Solicitors, 29, Laurence Street, Drogheda, Co. Louth. Ref. 0441/MLC. SHEEDY, Joseph (otherwise Joseph Albert) late of The Bog Road, Lisdoonvarna, County Clare and formerly of 13 North Frederick Street, Dublin, died on the 13th February, 1985. Will any person knowing the whereabouts of a Will of the above named deceased please contact Messrs. W.B. Glynn & Co., Solicitors, Hynes Building, Galway. Lost Title Documents NOTICE. In the matter of the Registration of Title Act, 1964 and the application of Dublin County Council in respect of No. 7 Parnell Square, Dublin 1. TAKE NOTICE that Dublin County Council has lodged an Application for its registration on the Register free from encumbrances in respect of the above mentioned property of which the former owner was Kathleen Fennessy, deceased. The Original documents of title are stated to have been lost or mislaid. The application may be inspected at this Registry. The Application will be proceeded with unless notification is received in the Registry within one calendar month from the date of publication of this Notice that the original documents of title are in existence. Any such notification should state the grounds on which the documents of title are held and quote Reference 84DN1 1848. Dated this 25th day of March, 1985. M. O'Neill, Examiner of Titles, Land Registry, Nassau Building, Setanta Centre, Dublin 2.
Young Lawyers International Association A I J A The Annual Congress for the Year 1985 will take place at Lisbon on 24th-28th September 1. Legal Protection of Software. 2. The removal of minors from one jurisdiction to another. 3. The legal status of company directors, their civil and criminal responsibilities. 4. Free movement of goods within the EEC. Anyone interested please contact: Michael Irvine, Matheson Ormsby & Prentice, 20 Upper Merrion Street, Dublin 2. Tel: 760981 Telex: 24333 The topics for discussion are as follows:—
U.S.A. Referrals and Assignments Welcomed LICENSED IN CONNECTICUT, FLORIDA AND NEW YORK Editor and Co-Author Connecticut Real Property Law. RICHARD E. BURKE P.O. Box 1667, New Canaan, CT 06840 USA Telephone (203) 972-0000 Telex 230199 SWIFT UR ATT RCH
North Monastery School Past Pupils Would any members who are Past Pupils of the North Monastery School, Cork, or who know of persons who are Past Pupils of this school please contact:—
MARTIN A. HARVEY, Solicitor, Parliament House, George's Quay, Cork.
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