The Gazette 1983
MARCH 1983
Counsels' Fees — Statement from Bar Council The following Ruling has been passed by the Bar Council: It is a rule of the Bar that in general fees should be discharged within one month of rendering an account, Special extensions may be negotiated where there are circumstances of hardship for the lay client, Banks, insurance companies and other firms who' customarily apply similar terms when dealing with the T h e R u l i n g is inte nded to apply mainly to the State
Comp e n s a t i on f or Cr imi nal Dama ge to Property by D.S. Greer and V.A. Mitchell, Belfast. SLS. Legal Publications (N.I.) 1982. IR£24.00. Statutory provisions for the payment of compen- sation from public funds for criminal damage to property, essentially similar to those now in force, have existed in Ireland at least since the time of that Monarch of pious, glorious and immortal memory.
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Ireland by the Criminal Damage (Compensation) (N.I.) Order, 1977 and in the Republic by the Malicious Injuries Act, 1981. The Book under review sets out to be a detailed exposition of these two pieces of legislation and the associated body of law, largely developed from the decisions on earlier similar statutes, and the Authors have written an impressive and valuable guide, covering the whole field with great lucidity, accuracy Professor Greer is Professor of Law at Queens University, Belfast, and Mrs. Mitchell is Senior k Lecturer in the same faculty, so that the Book is j |k primarily an exposition of the law in Northern Ireland. The treatment of the subject however is IBBk completely comprehensive and, the principles involved being very similar in both jurisdictions, the resulting book is as valuable and as welcome south of the border. I have no doubt that it will be very well received and used extensively in the Republic. All the relevant case-law is quoted and referred to, North and South. Musical Marie and Count Hamon _ _ _ and the marauding schoolboys in Re Burrowes duly M f i n f n l y make their appearance. The number of cases cited • f l W l l M I I J c h o i ^ this a most comprehensive and effective treatment of w l I C I I W b the l aw as d e v e l o p ed in t h e C o u r t s . Have your interest paid to you There is a clear and valuable historical account of by cheque every month, p u b i i c • £ / Zm^A ^ ^ ^ ^ and skill. \ V ^ P 1 ^ Wgk r* MniiiiiiiL - - and the adroit manner in which they are treated make the development of the law of compensation for criminal injuries covering both jurisdictions. A most useful feature of the book is the detailed every month. consideration of the correct assessment of the claimants loss which is often a matter of some allocated to each Monthly difficulty and one which other text-books have h ^ ^ g o u n t . h o k t e . A chance to w j n £100,000 A Prize Bond number is tended to ignore. Many of the rules and principles lor quantifying loss derive from other areas of the law as, win in every Prize Bond interest, you've a chance to Tank and Pump Co. Ltd., [1970] 1. Q.B. 447, butthe remamsopen. Authors are ready to pursue enlightenment wherever, it is to be found and they treat their ^ ^ F o r e x a m p l e, Harbutt's Plasticine Ltd. -v- Wayne Draw while your account
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material with great discretion and skill and with a striking gift for tidy arrangement and effective exposition. While there are substantial differences between what is compensátable in the North and what is com- Pensatable in this jurisdiction, there is also enough similarity to make this book an indispensable aid to t h c practitioner in either jurisdiction. The book is clearly and accurately printed in readable type and handles well. It should have a wide
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William Dundon
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