The Gazette 1983
The Editor,
21st July, 1983.
Law Society Gazette, Blackhall Place, Dublin 7. Dear Editor,
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"Help Heart Health" The Irish Heart Foundation would like to hear from any reader who intends running in the R.T.E. 2 Dublin City Marathon. A Considerable sum was raised to fund the fight against heart disease by a team of some 200 I.H.F. runners in 1982. Further information may be obtained by contacting the undersigned at 4, Clyde Road, Dublin 4. Tel. 685001. Yours Sincerely, Mary E. Mulcahy. 4 Clyde Rd., Dublin 4.
Needs Your Help
150 new patients aged between 15 and 50 years require kidney replacement treatment in Ireland every year. The main cause of this illness is not yet known. Help us to find the cause.
The Editor.
11th August 1983
Law Society Gazette Blackhall Place.
Dublin 7. Dear Sir,
The article "Gifts and Distributions to U.K. Resid- ents" in the May 1983 Gazette will, I fear, cause mis- understanding in regard to the situation where a U.K. resident beneficiary receives assets from trustees not re- sident in the U.K. The author concludes that as a result of Section 90 of the U.K. Finance Act 1981 such a beneficiary "receives the asset distributed at a nil value for U.K. C.G.T. and on a subsequent disposal of that asset will be chargeable to U.K. C.G.T. on the total value realised from the disposal". That was the original view taken by the U.K. Revenue as to the effect of Section 90. Indeed, I was involved in the case where they gave that initial ruling • although they did. even at that stage, admit that arguments could be made for the opposite view. The U.K. Revenue has now altered their view. In a Press Release dated 15th March 1983 they say "Following recent further legal advice, however, the Inland Revenue now consider that the better view is that Section 54 does apply. Consequently, such a beneficiary will be deemed to have acquired assets to which he becomes absolutely entitled at their market value". It might be worth mentioning that because of the General Election, legislative proposals in the Finance Bill 1983 dealing with this area did not become law. but they are expected to be re-introduced in the Finance Bill 1984.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: IRISH KIDNEY ASSOCIATION 29 Eaton Square, Monkstown, Co. Dublin. Telephone: Dublin 802551
I am running in the Dublin City Marathon and interested in helping Kidney Research. Please send me Sponsor Cards. . Number of Cards
NAME.. Address.
Yours sincerely, John F. Condon. Solicitor, 9 / 10 Ely Place. Dublin 2.
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