The Gazette 1983



Grobond Managed Fund consistently outperforms all others.

The G r o b o n d ManagedIFund has outperfonned all other

to 1st July 19» 3

Average Annual Growth Rate for 3 years to 1st July 1983 FUND %p.a. + 18.0 2. Irish Life Managed + 16.7 3. Shield Life Investment + 16.4 4. New Ireland Evergreen + 14.2 5. Norwich Union Managed +13.5 •Inflation '(May 1980-May 1983). + 15.7

Source: Pension & Investment Consultants Unit Fund Survey, July 1983. Unit values are not guaranteed andean grow at a faster or slower rate and go down as well as up. All Grobond Funds are expertly managed by Allied Irish Investment Bank. Find out more about Grobond Funds. Contact your insurance broker today.

Insurance Corporation Life, Burlington Road, Dublin 4. Tel: 601377.


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