The Gazette 1983




ROYAL COLLEGE OF SURGEONS IN IRELAND The Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland is a privately owned Institution founded in 1784. It has responsibility for postgraduate education of surgeons, radiologists, anaesthetists, dentists and nurses. The College manages an International Medical School for the training of doctors, many of whom come from Third World countries where there is a great demand and need for doctors. Research in the College includes work on cancer, thrombosis, high blood pressure, heart and blood vessel disease, blindness, mental handicap, birth defects and many other human ailments. The College being an independent institution is financed largely through gifts and donations. Your donation, covenant or legacy, will help to keep the College in the forefront of medical research and medical education. The College is officially recognised as a Charity by the Revenue Commissioners. All contributions will be gratefully received. Enquiries to: The Registrar, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, St. Stephen's Green, Dublin 2.

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Seminar on Maritime Law T h e Irish Maritime Law Association will be holding a o n e - d ay Seminar on Maritime Law at the Law Society. Blackhall Place, on Thursday. 6 October next. 1. W hen ran one arrest a ship? 2. How to arrest'a ship. 3. Limitation of shipowner's liability under the Merchant Shipping Act. 1894. (a) What does it mean? (h) Does it apply in Ireland? Registration forms will shortly be available from the following: O w e n O ' C o n n o r. Irish Maritime Law Association. Lectures will be fiiven on the following topics

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We are situated next to the Companies Registration office for a fast, efficient service for all your requirements.

and also at the Solicitors' Buildings. Four Courts.


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