The Gazette 1983
Solicitors' Accounts Regulations 1967, as Amended/ Approved Banks
With effect from July 21st 11X3 the following hanks have been added to the list of approved hanks for the purpose of the Solicitors' Accounts Regulations ld67. as amended:-
Anglo-Irish Hank l td. Barclays Bank International l td. Barclays Commercial Bank l imited. Standard Chartered Bank Ireland I.Id.
I he complete listing of approved banks is as follows:- Agrieultural Credit Corporation Limited Algemene Bank Nederland (Ireland) l imited Allied Irish Banks l imited Allied Irish Finance Company Limited Allied Irish Investment Bank l imited Anglo-Irish Bank l imited Ansbacher & Company Limited Bank of America Bank of Ireland Bank of Ireland Finance l imited Bank of Nova Scotia Banque Nationale De Paris (Ireland) l imited Barclays Bank International l imited Barclays Commercial Bank Limited Bowmaker (Ireland) Limited Citibank N.A Chase & Bank of Ireland (International) Limited City of Dublin Bank Limited First National Bank of Chicago Forward Trust (Ireland) l.imited (iuinness & Mahon Limited Hill Samuel & Company (Ireland) Limib-d Lombard & Ulster Banking (Ireland) Limited Mercantile Credit Company of Ireland Limited Northern Bank Limited Northern Bank Finance Corporation l.imited Post Office Savings Bank Royal Trust Bank (Ireland) l.imited Standard Chartered Bank Ireland Limited Trinity Bank l.imited Trustee Savings Banks Ulster Bank l.imited Ulster Investment Bank Limited United Dominions Trust (Ireland) l.imited • Industrial Credit Company l.imited. Investment Bank of Ireland Limited Irish Bank of Commerce l .imited Irish Intercontinental Bank Limited
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