The Gazette 1982


1982 INDEX



VAT liability (P. Fagan), 2 29-34

lawyer advertising (R.G.H. Tur), 4 87-91 Ten commandments of the new judge' (ABA Journal, 1979), 6 133 VALUE ADDED TAX, see under Taxation WILLS elderly clients (edl.), 9 195, 199 instructions for the rural will (D.G. Binchy), 8 181-3 need to make a will (edl.) 8 169, 176 Make a Will Week, (F. O'Donnell), 5 109; 9 -195; (edl.) 10 209, 212 WORD PROCESSORS, see under Office Management

PUBLIC AUTHORITIES duty in providing information - Hedley Byrne case (J. F. Buckley), 9 197-8 REGISTRATION OF TITLE Land Registry fees - 1981 order (pr.), 1 17 RENT ACTS, see under Landlord and Tenant Law REVENUE LAW, see Taxation SALE OF GOODS misrepresentation - remedies (B. Hannigan; A. Schuster), 2 40-3 SALE OF LAND misrepresentation - remedies (B. Hannigan; A. Schuster), 2 40-3 non-resident vendors - Finance Act, 1981 (pr.) 1 17; (Itr.) 1 22 VAT liability (P. Fagan), 2 29-34 SHIPPING LAW see Marine Insurance SMALL CLAIMS COURTS (edl.), 3 49 SOLICITORS accounts regulations - recording of receipts (pr.), 3 61 advertising, USA (R.H.S. Tur), 4 87 91 advocates, as, (E.G. Hall), 7 159-63 client care (M. Sweeney) 8 187 closure of practice, 3 61 education and training, see Legal Education elderly clients - mental impairment (edl.) 9 185, 199 non-proprietorial partnerships, 6 121, 127 office management, see Office management practice directions, see Practice Notes professional indemnity insurance (edl.), 6 121 Remuneration Order, 1982 (ltr.), 7 165 VAT accounting (edl.) 8 171, 175; inspectors' visits (pr.) 9 199 SPORTS ACTIVITIES cricket - Law Society team, 6 140; 9 199 see also under Association and Societies SUCCESSION, see: Administration of Estates; Wills SUPPLY OF SERVICES misrepresentation - remedies (B. Hannigan; A. Schuster) 2 40-3 TAXATION Capital Acquisitions Tax (N. Bale; J. Condon), reviewed, 5 116 dealing in land - Finance Act, 1981 provisions (pr.) 1 17; (Itr.) 1 22 VAT - accounts (edl.) 8 171, 175; inspectors' visits (pr.), 9 199 - property transactions (P. Fagan), 2 29-34 TECHNOLOGY, see under Office Management TORTS 'Hedley Byrne marches on' (J. F. Buckley) 9 197-8 McMahon and Binchy, Irish Law of Torts, reviewed, 4 93-4 Salmond and Heuston on the Law of Torts, reviewed, 4 93-4


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