The Gazette 1982
1982 INDEX
INSURANCE Insurance Act, 1981, and bank guarantees, 1 10 professional indemnity insurance - notification of possible claims (edl.) 6 121 see also Marine Insurance INTEREST Courts Act, 1981 (C. O'Mara), 9 201-03 INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATIONS, see under Associations and Societies JUDGMENTS interest and the Courts Act, 1981 (C. O'Mara), 9 201-03 judgment papers in the Circuit Coiurt, see under Practice Notes JURISPRUDENCE 'Fiat justitia' (T.D. McLoughlin), 2 35-6 LABOUR LAW EAT - 13th annual report, 1980, 1 9-10 employee information and consultation - European Community proposal (E. Dunn), 7 149-53 LAND, DEALING IN, see Dealing in Land LAND REGISTRY Fees Order, 1981, 1 17 Ground rents purchase scheme (pr.), 4 93 lost land certificate notices, 1 23; 2 46; 3 71; 4 95; 5 118; 6 142; 7 166; 8 190; 9 214; 10 228 mapping - new filed plan system, 6 141 LAND, SALE OF, see Sale of Land LAND TRANSACTIONS VAT liability (P. Fagan), 2 29-34 LANDLORD AND TENANT LAW Housing (Private Rented Dwellings) Bill, 1981, (edl.) 2 27 Housing (Private Rented Dwellings) Bill, 1982, (edl.) 4 73 Land Registry ground rents purchase scheme - expiry of procedure (pr.), 4 93 LAW SOCIETY book launches, see Book launches closure of practice, 3 61 Company Law Committee, see under Practice Notes Council retirements, 9 213 Conveyancing Committee, see under Practice Notes half-yearly general meeting, 7th May, 1982, 5 111 practice notes, see Practice Notes presentation of parchments, June, 1982, 6 137; Nov. 1982 (pictorial), 10 218 Public Relations Committee - court fees increase, 3 64 President 1982/3, 10 207 Requisitions on Title - 1981 edition, 1 8 retirement annuity fund & income continuance plan, 5 111 seminar - 'The motorist and the law' (Jan. 1982) (pictorial), 2 39 sports, see Sports activities symposia: 'A matter of matrimony' (May, 1982) 3 64; 5 97, 113; 'District Court and the Press' (March, 1982), 6 125-7; 'How safe is your food?', 3 64 'local authorities and the Press' (R. Woulfe), 6 129-32 5
doctrine of, (edl) 4 75, 93 foreign divorce and, (Itr.) 2 45; 4 92
EDITORIAL COMMENT arbitration, 7 145
civil legal aid-measuring the cost, 1 1 criminal law and procedure - suggestions for change, 2 25 domicile, doctrine of, 4 75, 93 elderly clients, 9 195, 199 family conciliation - Bristol courts service, 5 99, 105
High Court on circuit, 7 147, 157 law and order - or justice? 2 25 legislative process, 4 73 local associations - newsletters, 1 3
mental impairment in the elderly, 9 195, 199 North & East Cork Bar Association, 1 3 planning - Gallagher bonds, 6 123, 133 planning - Pine Valley case, 3 51 professional indemnity insurance, 6 121, 127 Rent Acts - Housing (Private Rented Dwellings) Bill, 1981, 2 27; 1982, 4 73 small claims court, 3 49 EDUCATION, see Legal education EMPLOYMENT APPEALS TRIBUNAL 13th annual report, 1980, 1 9-10 EMPLOYMENT LAW, see Labour Law EUROPEAN COMMUNITY employee information - proposed directive (E. Dunn), 7 149-53 EXCHANGE CONTROL non-resident vendors (pr.) 3 61 FAMILY LAW The Case for Divorce in the Republic of Ireland (W. Duncan), reviewed, 10 222-3, 223-5 divorce - recognition of foreign divorces, (Itr.) 2 45; 4 92; 7 165 - M.T.T. vN.T. (J. F. Buckley; M.V. O'Mahony), 10 211-12 family conciliation - Bristol courts service, (edl.), 5 99, 105, 113 Matrimonial Proceedings in Magistrates' Courts (W.A.W. Strachan), reviewed, 6 139 symposium: 'a matter of matrimony' (29 May, 1982) 5 97, 13 FOREIGN DIVORCE, see under Family Law GARDA SIOCHÁNA powers of arrest, see under Police training and promotion - suggestions for change (edl.), 2 25 HIGH COURT appointment of Chief Registrar, 6 136 Circuit sittings (edl.), 7 147; 152; 7 164 ruling of settled jury actions (pr.), 4 91 HOUSE PURCHASE architects' certificates - recommendation of Joint Committee, 5 107 Housing Finance Agency loans, 10 215 see also Conveyancing INFORMATION, see Legal Information VAT - accounting for, 8 171, 175 Wills week, 8 169, 176, 10 209, 212
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