The Gazette 1982
Professional Information Land Registry — Issue of New Land Certificate REGISTRATION OF TITLE ACT, 1964 An application has been received from the registered owners mentioned in the Schedule hereto for the issue of a Land Certificate in substitution for the original Land Certificate issued in respect of the lands specified in the Schedule which original Land Certificate is stated to have been lost or inadvertently destroyed. A new Certificate will be issued unless notification is received in the Registry within twenty-eight days from the date of publication of this notice that the original Certificate is in existence and in the custody of some person other than the registered owner. Any such notification should state the grounds on which the Certificate is being held. 7th day of January, 1983. W. T. MORAN (Registrar of Titles) Central Office, Land Registry, Chancery Street, Dublin 7. 1. REGISTERED OWNER: John O'Conncll; Folio No.: 36492; Lands: (1) Cooldrisla, (2) Newport, (3) Annaholty; Area: (1) 18a. Or. lp; (2) 11a. Or. 6p.; (3) 2a. Or. 29p. County: TIPPERARY. 2. REGISTERED OWNER: Stephen and Christina O'Connor; Folio No.: 10930; Lands: Blackhill; Area: Oa. 2r. Op. County: KILDARE. 3. REGISTERED OWNER: Curley Brothers Limited; Folio No.: 9455; Lands: Kiltormcr West; Area: 7a. lr. 35p. County: GALWAY. 4. REGISTERED OWNER: Scan O'Foghlu; Folio No.: 8414; Lands: Abbeyland South (Parts); Area: la. lr. 34p. County: MEATH. 5. REGISTERED OWNER: Thomas J. Timlin; Folio No.: 10569; Lands: Tawnykinaff (Part); Area: 89a. 3r. 14p.; County: MAYO. 6. REGISTERED OWNER: Thomas Quinn; Folio No.: 7903; Lands: Mullaghmore (part); Area: 44a. 3r. 35p. County: SLIGO. 7. REGISTERED OWNER: Thomas Shine; Folio No.: 23617; Lands: Monksland; Area: Oa. lr. Op. County: ROSCOMMON. 8. REGISTERED OWNER: Patrick McKenna; Folio No.: 12336; Lands: Pollnacroaghy; Area: 4p. 15'/ s sq. yds. County: MAYO. 9. REGISTERED OWNER: Thomas Sweeney, Rchins, Castlcbar, Co. Mayo; Folio No. 8600; Lands: fully; Area 26a. 3r. 4p. County: MAYO. 10. REGISTERED OWNER: John Patrick Duffy, Roosky, Doocastlc, Ballvmotc, Co. Sligo; Eolio No.: 50121; Lands: (1) Roosky, (2) Roosky; Area: i h 19a. Or. 7p.; (2) 2a. 2r. 9p. County: MAYO. Lost Wills Thorn berry, Margaret and Thomas, deceased, late of Whitcgatc, Co. Clare. Will any person having knowledge ol the whereabouts of the last Will and Testament ol the above named deceased, made between March and August, 1978, please contact Mr. Alan Young, 8 Sandown Road, South Norwood, Lqndon SE25. Phone No. (031) 6540330. Miscellaneous Legal Secretary will do typing in own home. Box No. 044. Assistant/Partner 1 or 2 years qualified wanted for Limerick firm. Apply (in writing) to Box No. 045. 228
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