The Gazette 1982

We appreciate the value of your time

In a busy practice the amount of work to keep track of fees paid, deposits held, disbursements, time recording and so on is large to say the least. Not only is the work time consuming, it is also difficult to obtain detailed up-to-date information at short notice. Un l ess y ou h a p p en t o be us i ng t he I DS So l i c i t o r s' A c c o u n t i ng S y s t em. The IDS Solicitors' Accounting System comprises a powerful suite of integrated Solicitors' Accounting and Time Recording programs designed to meet the changing needs of today's modern practice. All accounting transactions are integrated with the nominal ledger which can then provide full financial reporting to the design and specification of the user. The system is fast and easy to use leaving you free to devote more time and effort to new clients which means more business for you. These are just some of the features of the IDS Solicitors' Accounting System:- * The s y s t em hand l es up t o 9 f i r ms , 9 b r an c hes per f i r m, and 9 9 d e p a r t me n t s, pa r t ne rs or f ee - ea r ne rs per b r anch. * N u m b e r o f ma t t e rs per c l i ent - u n l i m i t e d. * N umb e r of t r a n s a c t i o ns per ma t t e r - u n l i m i t e d. * Comp r e h e n s i ve V A T c o n t r o l. * Pe r i od a nd year t o da t e f i gu r es ava i l ab l e. * Op en i t em bills o u t s t a n d i ng l i s t i ng. * Bu d g e ts ava i l ab le on n om i n al l edge r. * T i me Re c o r d i ng - up t o 5 0 d i f f e r e nt c ha r ges a nd 3 0 d i f f e r e nt w o r k t y p e s. * Un p a id bills by bill n umb e r. * A u d i t t r a i l.

For a small outlay each week you can reap the benefits of a proven microcomputer system which anyone can master in a very short time backed by our comprehensive support service. Used in combination with WordStar the system becomes a word processor when not in use for accounting and time recording. For further information or a free demonstration without obligation complete and return the coupon today.

• Please tell me more about the IDS Solicitors' Accounting System • I would like a free demonstration without obligation


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