The Gazette 1982






Present Position

Title of Bill

No. of Act

To establish a body to be known as the National Heritage Council whose function will be to identify, preserve and develop for the benefit of the public specified areas of the national heritage, the main- tenance and development of which was formerly vested in other bodies, such as the Commissioners of Public Works, by various public and private ACTS. The Minister may by order confer additional functions of a similar nature on the Council. To increase the Board's power of borrowing, including foreign borrowing; to provide for the Ministerial guarantee of such borrowings and to provide for other related matters. Amends and extends the Electricity (Supply) Acts 1927 to 1981. To increase the share capital of the company; to increase the value of the shares which the Minister may take up, and to provide for other related matters. Amends and extends the Sugar Manu- facture Acts, 1933 to 1973. To provide for the full derating of land in 1983; to give effcct to the new scale of rates relief for land holders which is to apply in 1982; and to validate improvements in relief advanced in 1981 and 1980. Amends and extends the Rates on Agricultural Land (Relief) Acts, 1939 to 1980. To up-date some aspects of the legislation govern- ing existing gas companies to give the companies a greater degree of flexibility in their operations. It is an interim measure designed to facilitate, in parti- cular, companies which are already taking natural gas or will be doing so shortly. Work on a compre- hensive Act to replace all the widely dispersed gas company legislation is due to commence shortly. (Explan. Memo.) To amend and extend the Local Authorities (Officers and Employees) Acts, 1926 and 1940 to enable the Local Appointments Commissioners to resume the practice of giving extra credit to candidates, at competitions conducted by them, who possess a knowledge of one or both the official languages (Irish or English) and to provide for ' other related matters. To enable the Minister to regulate rates of com- mission payments of holders of licences and authorisations and to provide for other related matters. Amends the Insurance Acts 1909 to 1981. To consolidate and modernise the entire statute law relating to bankruptcy. Based mainly on the recom- mendations of the Bankruptcy Law Committee Report, 1972 (Prl. 2714). To provide that where a person is disqualified for unemployment benefit or assistance on the grounds that he is involved in a trade dispute, he may apply for an adjudication to a tribunal that he has been unreasonably deprived of his unemployment benefit. Provides for the establishment of a Tribunal.

As introduced.

National Heritage Bill, 1982

15/6/82 (Seanad)

21/6/82 (Dáil)

Passed by both Houses of the Oireachtas 22/7/82.

No. 22 of 1982

Electricity (Supply) (Amendment) Bill, 1982

18/6/82 (Dáil)

Passed by both Houses of the Oireachtas 15/7/82

No. 19 of 1982

Sugar Manufacture (Amend- ment) Bill, 1982

21/6/82 (Dáil)

As introduced.

Rates on Agricultural Land (Relief) Bill, 1982 (plus Explanatory Memo.)

Passed by both Houses of the Oireachtas 14/7/82.

25/6/82 (Dáil)

No. 16 of 1982

Gas Regulation Bill, 1982 (plus Explanatory Memo.)

As introduced.

5/7/82 (Dáil)

Local Authorities (Officers and Employees) Bill, 1982 (plus Explanatory Memo.)

As introduced.

6/7/82 (Seanad)

Insurance Bill, 1982

As introduced.

6/7/82 (Dáil)

Bankruptcy Bill, 1982 (plus Explanatory Memo.)

Passed by both Houses of the Oireachtas 22/7/82.

7/7/82 (Dáil)

No. 23 of 1982

Social Welfare (No. 2) Bill, 1982 (plus Explanatory Memo.)


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