The Gazette 1982


JULY/AUGUS T 1982 BILLS INTRODUCED in the Dáil Sittings: 22—27 January; 9 March — 1 April; 28 April — 16 July, 1982, and Seanad Sittings: 19, 20, 21 January; 26 March — 6 April; 16 April — 22 July.


Present Position

Title of Bill


No. of Act

22/3/82 (Dáil) 25/3/82 (Dáil)

Passed by both Houses of the Oireachtas 26/3/82.

Social Welfare Bill, 1982

To amend and extend the Social Welfare (Consoli- dation) Act, 1981. Following the Supreme Court decision in Blake andMadigan v. the Attorney General 29 June 1981 which held that Parts II and IV of the Rent Restrictions Act, 1960, were unconstitutional — to provide tenants of dwellings controlled under the Rent Restrictions Acts 1960 to 1981, with a measure of security of tenure, to set up a mechanism for the fixing of rents of such dwellings by the District Court if the rents are not agreed between the landlord and tenant and to provide for the payment of rent allowances in certain cases to tenants meeting increased rents. To extend to 25 July 1982 the provisions of the Rent Restrictions (Temporary Provisions) Act, 1981, which was enacted following the Supreme Court decision in Blake and Madigan v. the Attorney General 29 June 1981, to provide protection for tenants against eviction and to prohibit the enforce- ment of rent increases notified on or after 18 April 1980. The Act was required to give time for the preparation of the Housing Private Rented Dwell- ings Bill, (see above). To amend the Courts Act, 1981, by postponing for a further twelve months the coming into operation of certain sections of that Act. To amend section 3, of the Prevention of Electoral Abuses Act, 1923. (Definition of personation.) To enable Local Authorities to designate land required for development and to enable a Local Authority to acquire land at existing use value in the forthcoming five years. Provides for the estab- lishment of a Lands Tribunal chaired by a Judge of the High Court to determine questions of compen- sation where the owner of land and the Local Authority cannot reach agreement. To provide for guarantees by the Minister for Finance in respect of moneys payable by Irish Shipping Limited in respect of guarantees given, or under contracts entered into, by Irish Shipping Limited. To provide for the establishment of two State- sponsored bodies — An Post and Bord Telecom Eireann — to manage the postal and savings services and telecommunications services respectively. Implements the White Paper "Reorganisation of Postal and Telecommunications Services" (Prl. 9805). To establish a body to be known as the National Community Development Agency the functions of which will be to encourage and financially support community development and activity, to co- ordinate the work of statutory bodies and voluntary agencies in the field of poverty and social depriva- tion and to undertake research and advise the Minister on policies and programmes of self-help in these areas.

No. 2 of 1982 No. 6 of 1982

Passed by both Houses 13/5/82

Housing Private Rented Dwellings Bill, 1982 (plus Explanatory Memo.)

31/3/82 (Dáil)

Passed by both Houses of the Oir- eachtas 6/4/82.

No. 4 of 1982

Rent Restrictions (Temporary Provisions) (Continuance) Bill, 1982

23/4/82 (Dáil — Private Members Bill)

Withdrawn 4/5/82

Courts (Amendment) Bill, 1982

30/4/82 (Dáil)

Passed by both Houses of the Oireachtas 13/5/82.

No. 5 of 1982

Prevention of Electoral Abuses Bill, 1982 Local Government (Building Land) Bill, 1982 (plus (Ex- planatory Memo.)

5/5/82 (Dáil — Private Members Bill

At second stage reading. Joint Committee on Building Land set up 15/7/82 to report by 30/9/83

6/5/82 (Dáil)

Passed by both Houses of the Oir- eachtas 19/5/82

No. 8 of 1982

Irish Shipping Limited Bill, 1982

11/5/82 (Dáil)

Second stage passed 7/7/82

Postal and Telecommunica- tions Services Bill, 1982 (plus Explanatory Memo.)

20/5/82 (Dáil)

Passed by both Houses of the Oireachtas 22/7/82

No. 20 of 1982

National Community Development Agency Bill, 1982 (plus Explanatory Memo.)


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