The Gazette 1982
prove that she did not consent to intercourse, rather than on the man to prove that she did. Yet that is how it is. Only an estimated fifty percent of all rape cases are reported, and it is not difficult to understand why. All rape cases, even those in which the accused is convicted, leave the unfortunate victim with an indelible stain on her char- acter. And sometimes with a fear of the dark. •
Volume 2 12 Issues ILRM — Now in second year of publication — Bound volume 1, 1981 available soon — back issues of 1981 still obtainable Facts: The annual subscription to Irish Law Reports Monthly: £85.00 ( + 18% VAT = £15.30), includes Index, Table of Cases, Table of Statutes and Noter Upper. Enquiries and cheques to be sent to: The Round Hall Press Ltd., at Irish Academic Press Kill Lane, Blackrock, Co. Dublin. Held ILRM is a precedent in Irish Law Reporting and an asset to every practitioner. The Round Hall Press Ltd., Kill Lane, Blackrock, Co. Dublin. Telephone 850922 1982
Chief Registrar to High Court Mr. Eamonn G. Mongey, Assistant Probate Officer and Probate Consultant to the Law Society's Law School, has been appointed Chief Registrar to the High Court, with effect from Monday, 28 June, 1982.
The Department of Foreign Affairs has invited the Society to nominate a candidate for the Council of Europe "European Human Rights Prize" which will be awarded for the second time in 1983. The Prize was instituted by the Council of Europe in 1980. It is honorary in character. Its purpose is to reward individual or group activities which have made an exceptional contribution to the cause of humanrights. Accordingly, any individual or group of persons, institution or non-governmental organisation whose activities have made an outstanding contribution to the protection or promotion of human rights in accordance with the principles of individual freedom, political liberty and the rule of law, shall be eligible for consideration. The first Prize was awarded to the International Commission of Jurists. Any member or group of members who wish to be nominated by the Society for the Prize should apply to The Director General, Incorporated Law Society of Ireland, Blackhall Place, Dublin 7
and enclose documents attesting their merits in the field of human rights. Closing date for receipt of applications: Friday, 3 December, 1982,
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