The Gazette 1982

g a z e t t e



Practice Note

Delay in Default Judgements


A matter of considerable concern to the profession over the past few months has been the considerable delay in the issuance of Default Judgments from the Central Office. The Law Society has been doing its utmost to achieve an improvement in the situation. The Law Society is informed that the situation should improve materially over the next fewmonths when it is expected additional overtime will be done. Furthermore, the extendedjurisdiction ofthe Circuit Court is expected to alleviate the position further. The Law Society however is informed that a large factor contributing to the delay is the number of documents that have to be returned by reason oferrors in the Judgment sets. The Law Society is informed thatthefollowingerrors aré recurring and if avoided would help greatly to reduce the backlog at present existing in this area viz:- (a) Description of Deponent not given in Affidavits of Debt and service. (b) Incorrect date of issue, Record No. or Year of Issue quoted on Affidavit of Service. (c) Judgment form certificate and Praecipe not signed by Solicitor. (d) Addresses and descriptions ofparties to the Action not recorded on Judgment form. (e) Defective Jurats in Affidavits viz "sworn at Street in the County o f '. The clause "and I know the Deponent'' omitted. (f) Incomplete forms of execution and registration. (g) Various errors or omissions on Summary Summons; viz. (i) where Plaintiff is a Limited Company, address shown on Summons may read "place of residence at" in lieu of "regd. office at", (ii) inaccuracies in computation of addition and sub- traction, miscalculation of interest amounts in Bank claims, (iii) insufficient or superfluous particulars in the in- dorsement of claim (no advertance to forms of Special Indorsement of Claim in Appendix B Part III of the Rules). For example, in goods sold and delivered claims the clause "at the request of the Defendant" omitted. •

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