The Gazette 1982
g a z e t t e
a . Safeguard | Business ^f Systems
Association Internationale des Jeunes Avocats. 1982 Congress.
The XX Congress of AIJA will take place in Lausanne, Switzerland from 23rd to 27th August, 1982. The 1981 Congress was held in Dublin and it is hoped that many of those who participated in the Dublin Congress will be in Lausanne. The Working Sessions will be as follows:- Commission 1
Children before the criminal and civil law. The Retention of Title Clause. The Professional Secrecy of the Lawyer Subject concerning one or more international
Commission 2.
Full provision for V.A.T.
Commission 3.
The A l t e r n a t i ve to t he Compu t er
Commission 4.
Seminar organisations in Geneva. Swiss Banking Secrecy. A comprehensive guest programme has been prepared for those not attending the Working Sessions. Further details can be obtained from:
A Safeguard Solicitors Acconting System in- corporating our unique Cheque Application will give you instant Book-keeping with full arithmetic control. Please write or phone for our free accounting manual and further infor- mation without, of course, any obligation. Complies fully with the Solicitors 1 Accounts Regulations.
Michael W. Carrigan, Solicitor, 61 Fitzwilliam Square, Dublin 2.
Incorporated Law Society of Ireland IMPORTANT NOTICE Practising Certificates will not be issued in 1982 or future years unless the Solicitors' Accountants' Certificate is in order, i.e., a clear Certificate has been lodged within 6 months of the solicitors' accounting date. Where, on application for a Practising Certificate, an Accounting Certificate is not in order, the Solicitor will be notified in writing that the Practising Certificate cannot issue until the Accountants' Certificate is lodged and that should be done within one month. He will be informed that pending receipt of the Accountants' Certificate his remittance is being held in suspense account and that in the meantime, it is an offence to practice without a Practising Certificate. After a lapse of one month, the solicitor will be informed that unless the Accountants' Certificate is received within a further month, disciplinary proceedings will be commenced without further notice and that, at the same time, the Bar Association and County Registrar will be notified that the solicitor is practising without a current Practising Certificate. The situation regarding outstanding Accountants Certificates is reviewed at each Council meeting. JAMES J. IVERS, Director General
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