The Gazette 1981
APRIL 1981
COUNTY AND CITY OF LIMERICK BAR ASSOCIATION The Officers of the Association for 1981 are — Patrick Glynn President Gordon A. Holmes Vice-President Joseph Murphy Treasurer Michael D. Murray Secretary Gerry Yelverton Asst. Secretary The Committee comprises — Miss Kathy Carey, Messrs. James G. Lyons, T. E. O'Donnell, J. R. Sweeney, Michael J. O'Malley, Bobby Cussen and Robin Lee. It is reported by the Association that, due to local expansion at a more youthful level of the profession, Soccer in Limerick has become a substantially more hazardous occupation. In the past few years, a Legal Team has been much in evidence, local stars including Eugene Cash, Joe Murphy and Stephen Nicholas, ably assisted by such veterans (locally described as geriatrics) as Paddy Geraghty and Niall Sheehy. SOUTHERN LAW ASSOCIATION The Officers of the above Association elected for 1981 are: Nicholas Comyn President Michael Enright Vice-President Grattan Roberts Treasurer Ms. Pauline Horgan Hon. Secretary The remaining Council members are — Brian Russell, Frank Daly, Martin Sheehan, Basil Hegarty, G. John Moloney, John L. Jermyn, John O'Meara, Raymond O'Neill, Ms. Joan Nagle, Robert Flynn and Pat McNally. Recent activities of the Association included an attempt to amend its Rules, in order to empower the imposition of penalties but, for various reasons, the proposed amendment was defeated. The Association made representations on the Courts Bill, and had its representation published in the Cork Examiner, followed up by an interview on South Side, R.T.E., Radio I. The Association has also made representations to the President of the High Court concerning the Jury List in Cork, to the effect that no more than 12 or 15 cases might be listed each day during the three-week Jury Sessions in Cork, which was kindly put into effect by Mr. Justice Finlay. Further representation was made to Mr. Justice Finlay concerning the "Cork Subpoena," which achieved, with the utmost possible grace, a Cork Solution to a Cork problem! If there is nothing legally preventing Subpoenas from being served in the term before trials came on for hearing, then Subpoenas should be so issued and served! During the Jury Sessions in January 1981, the
Officers and Council of the Association for the year 1980/81:
Andrew F. Smyth Rory O'Donnell Clare Cusack Herbert Mulligan
Vice-President Hon. Treasurer Hon. Secretary
The remaining Council members of the Association comprise: Terence E. Dixon, Michael Farrell, Elma Lynch, Stephen Maher, Vivian Matthews, Charles Meredith, Barry O'Reilly, Colm Price and Laurence K. Shields. The Association works through its various Sub- Committees which, for 1981, have been appointed as follows: Conveyancing Committee — Convener, Elma Lynch. Rory O'Donnell, Charles Meredith, Colm Price, Vivian Matthews and Herbert Mulligan. Mulligan. Barry O'Reilly, Michael Farrell and Stephen Maher. Co-opted Members: Kieran O'Brien and Declan Sherlock. Activities Committee — Convener, Stephen Maher. Terence Dixon, Laurence Shields, Clare Cusack, Herbert Mulligan and John Buckley. Costs Committee — Convener, Barry O'Reilly. Stephen Maher, Elma Lynch, Rory O'Donnell, John Buckley, Rory O'Connor and Herbert Mulligan. Courts Committee/Litigation — Convener, Herbert
Publicity Officer — Charles Meredith.
KERRY LAW SOCIETY Kerry Law Society Officers for 1981 are — Donal Browne
John J. O'Donnell M. L. O'Connell Thomas J. O'Halloran
Hon. Secretary The remaining Committee members are — William Crowley, J. S. O'Reilly, Michael O'Connell, Timothy Murphy, Michael Larkin, Donal Kelliher, Mary Twomey, Michael O'Donnell and John Baily.
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