The Gazette 1981
APRIL 1981
President's Diary of Events
Correspondence The Secretary,
2 February 1981
Incorporated Law Society of Ireland Dear Sir, Greetings from Trumbull County, Ohio, from myself and my family to all of my colleagues in Ireland. The purpose of this letter is to enable me to make contact with and subsequently correspond with one or more lawyers of my approximate age group in Ireland so that we may learn more effectively as much about Ireland, Irish society, Irish history, Irish people and the Irish way of life as possible. As you can probably tell by my name, I am descended from Irish people (and nothing but Irish people). I am enclosing a resume to give a little personal back- ground on myself. If it is possible, I would request that you turn this letter over to one or more of your members who might be in my general age group (I am thirty-six years old) so that I may be able to correspond with one or more of your members and their families. If we are successful in setting up effec- tive correspondence between my family and that of one or more of your members, it could lead to an exchange of visits to our respective countries and homes and other joint activities of mutual interest and benefit. Also, I am interested in learning about the Irish legal system as it compares to our legal system in the United States and especially in Ohio. It is also my hope to travel to Ireland within the next two years. Yours sincerely, PATRICK J . DONLIN Attorney at Law I am writing to inquire as to whether you can assist me in arranging for a meeting with Irish lawyers on a trip that we are planning to Ireland on or about 28 June 1981. I am an attorney practising in the state of New Jersey in the United States with a general practice. While the trip to Ireland is primarily a vacation, I anticipate being in Dublin with my wife for a day or two during which time 1 would look forward to the opportunity of meeting with Irish lawyers who may be specifically involved with the criminal justice system and perhaps even observing one of your Court proceedings. My practice consists of general practice, including litigation and criminal law, as well as estate and corporate practice. If you are able to put us in touch with persons who might be of assistance to us, we would appreciate the same. Thank you for your consideration in this matter. Very truly yours, TIMOTHY J . DUNN, II Attorney at Law 3 17 Harrington Avenue Closter, N.J. 07524 U.S.A. 244 Seneca Ave. N.E. Warren Ohio 44481 The Secretary, 9 February 1981 Incorporated Law Society of Ireland. Dear Sir,
During December 1980 and January 1981 the President represented the Society at the following func- tions: Mayo Bar Association Dinner, Law Society Staff Dinner, Formal Opening by Lord Mayor of Dublin of Year of Disabled Persons at Mansion House, Law Society Mass for Peace, New Year Lunches for members of the Media, Employment Appeals Tribunal Department Annual Dinner Dance, Symposium on Disabled Persons and the Law, Vin d'Honneur in honour of Australia Day, Dinner of the Benchers in Kings' Inns, Solemn Session of the Bar in Paris. For Your Diary . . . 4-5 April 1981: Society of Young Solicitors Seminar; Bringing a case before the Employment Appeals Tribunal (Speaker: Donal Hamilton, Solicitor); A Review of the Law of Pollution (Speaker: Liam Devally, B.L.); Injunctions — A Practical Approach (Speaker: John Quirke, B.L.); Criminal Practice for the Non-Specialist (Speaker: Garret Sheehan, Solicitor). Metropole Hotel, Cork. 11 April 1981: Continuing Legal Education Seminar: Wills and Tax Implications (Lecturers: Robert Johnston, Solicitor; John O'Connor, Solicitor; Colin Chapman, Solicitor). The Old Ground Hotel, Ennis, Co. Clare. 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. 14 April 1981: Dublin Solicitors Bar Associa- tion/Leinster Society of Chartered Accountants: Solicitor's Accounts Regulations. Blackhall Place, Dublin. 8 p.m. (a revised date for the event noted in last month's "Diary"). 28 April 1981: Continuing Legal Education Seminar: Labour Law (Lecturers: Brian Gallagher, Solicitor Ercus Stewart, Barrister-at-Law). Blackhall Place! Dublin. 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. 30 April to 5 May 1981: The Law Society's Annual Conference. Waterville Lake Hotel, Waterville, Co Kerry (see page 38). 5 May 1981: Continuing Legal Education Seminar: Registration of Title and Drqfting of Deeds (Lectur- ers: Maeve Hayes, Solicitor; Colm Price, Solicitor). Blackhall Place, Dublin. 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. 12 May 1981: Dublin Solicitors Bar Association: Sale of Goods and Supply of Services Act, 1980. Blackhall Place, Dublin. 8 p.m. 12 May 1981: Continuing Legal Education Seminar: Family Law (Lecturers: Alan Shatter, Solicitor; Raymond Downey, Solicitor; Michael V. O'Mahony, Solicitor). Blackhall Place, Dublin. 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. 15 May 1981: Continuing Legal Education Seminar: Landlord and Tenant Legislation (Lecturers: Angela McCann, Solicitor; Michael Roche, Solicitor). Black- hall Place, Dublin. 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. 16 May 1981: Law Society Symposium: The Builder and the Law. Blackhall Place, Dublin. 27 June 1981: Symposium: The Mentally Handicapped and the Law. Downhill Hotel, Ballina, Co. Mayo.
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