The Gazette 1981
adequate levels of rehabilitation and treatment being provided. It seems to me that if there should prove to be an absence of positive leadership which will give political recognition and expression to the rights and entitlements of the mentally disabled by enacting an amendment to the Health Act which will provide a "right to treatment charter", then the only safeguard that members of vulnerable minorities possess against the abuse of piower will lie in recourse to the courts. Whilst I hope it will not be necessary for this to happen, if it does, I hope that our Constitution will prove to be sound and that the rights of the mentally disabled and other vulnerable minorities will be vindicated in an Irish courtroom, by an Irish Lord Denning and not in a European courtroom, by a European Lord Denning. •
Irish Law Reports Monthly
incorporating IRISH LAW TIMES
ILRM is designed to provide a complete on-going record of all Superior Court written judgments — and to report the majority of same. It also reports certain Circuit and District Court and tribunal decisions. [ 1 9 8 1 ] 12 issues £ 8 5 . 0 0 . All twelve issues corresponding to 1981 will be published in the period October 1981 - February 1982. Orders and enquiries: Irish Law Reports Monthly at Irish Academic Press, Kill Lane, Blackrock, Co. Dublin.
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INCORPORATED LAW SOCIETY SYMPOSIUM "THE MENTALLY HANDICAPPED & THE LAW", 27 JUNE, 1981. From left: John Gordon, Solicitor; Dr. Jim Behan, Consultant Psychiatrist (Eastern Health Board); Patrick O'Connor, Solicitor; Patrick McEllin, Solicitor. (Photo: Western People, Ballina).
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