The Gazette 1981
For Your Diary . . .
39. See McWilliam J. in The State (Sheehan) v. Deputy Garda Commissioner, unreported. High Court, 1 March 1976, at p. 6 of the judgment (a personwho had no legal advicewas granted relief, despite his acquiescence ina faulty hearing, because he did not fully realise the eonsequcnccs of his acquiescence); the decision was reversed by the Supreme Court on other grounds, sub nom. The State (Sheehan) r. McMahon, unreported, 25 October 1977. 40. Sec Hcnchy J. in The State (Byrne) v. Frawley I 19781 I.R. 326. at 349 350 (bccause a decision had been widely reported and its re quircments common knowledge, but no prisoner had challenged his detention on thebasis of its holding, such acquiescence in his detention would bar him from claiming relief). For a general discussion of the acquiescence rule, see Corrigan i\ Irish Land Commission I 19771 I.R. 317. 41.| 19761 I.R. 365. Finlay P. held that judicial reviewdid not extend to ordering the Executive to provide particular facilities to accommodate prisoners for whomordinary detentional conditions are unsuitable. This decision indicates the limitations on the judiciary's power to resolve difficult medico-penological problems. 42. | 19781 I.R. 131. 43. Supra, note 17. 44. Supra, note 27, at p. 28 of the judgment. In certain circumstan ces, of course, an internal transfer might be sufficient. 45. Supra, note 17, at p. 23 of the judgment.
ation/Northern Seminar on "Office Management and Technology in the Eighties'". Open to Solicitors in Ulster and in the Counties of Donegal, Sligo, Leitrim, Rosrommon. Mayo and Galway. Further details from Patrick Ireland Law Society: O'Connor, Solicitor, Swinford, Co. Mayo. 12 October 1981: Law Society Commencement Course. 28 October 1981: Law Society Presentation 11 December, 1981: Mayo Bar Association Annual Dinner Dance. Breaffys House Hotel. Co. Mayo. Tickets available from Patrick O'Connor. Solicitor, Swinford, or Anne Nolan, Solicitor, Castlebar. U.C.D. LAW SOCIETY 200 CLUB Intending subscribers to the above are advised that the closing date has been extended to 16th October. Vacancies still exist. Write to: The Auditor, of Sixth Professional of Parchments, Blackhall Place, Dublin 7.
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The Law Society, University College, Dublin 4.
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