The Gazette 1981
The word Processing team to boost your A office productivity, a Nexos 2200 and ^ partners.
The Nexos 2200 Word Processor working together with the key people in your office... it's a partnership that can yield you dramatic gains in office efficiency Like big savings in expensive executive time! Like typing productivity up by a third or more! That s because this superior new machine is designed to enable your office team to do their jobs faster and more efficiently. Managers welcome the speedy turnround of letters, documents, contracts, reports without the chore of checking and rechecking. And the adjustable screen angle, detachable keyboard, and easy-on-the-eye bronze-display screen make it a winner with secretaries. The 2200 comes from Nexos, the big Office systems people who provide nationwide service back-up. They can arrange a lease plan for you with significant cash flow advantages from day 1.
FNexos Office Systems (Ireland) Limited * Marine House Clanwllliam court cianwiiliam Place, Lower Mount Street, Dublin 2. I would like more information on the Nexos 2200 Name __. Company
Position Address
Tel. No NEXOS Tomorrow's Office Systems-Today.
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