The Gazette 1981
Pr o f i t f r om c a s h f l ow When you have short-term funds to deposit it wi 11 pay you to get XBF(" to quote. Northern Bank Finance Corporation Limited
Contact Donal Byrne at (01) 785066. Or ask us to keep you in touch with the market through our daily or weekly quotation service. Griffin House, Wilton Terrace, Dublin 2 Tel: (01) 785066/761672/766694 Telex: 4403
89/90 South Mall, Cork Tel: (021) 504559/506835 Northern Bank Finance Corporation L imited is a member ol the Midland Bank Group with assets exceeding £20,000 million and has ' full Trustee status
INVESTIGATIONS Civil, Cr imi na l, a nd C omm e r c i al enquiries und e r t ak en b y trained and e x p e r i e n c ed investigators t h r o u g h o ut the 3 2 c o u n t i es a nd with international representation. Internal theft Status reports Embezzlement & Fraud Pre-employment checks Malicious damage Conflict of interests Leakages of information Missing persons/Absconders Whereabouts Traced Process Serving HOTEL & LICENSED PREMISES COMMISSIONS DOMESTIC, MARITAL & PERSONAL INVESTIGATIONS Full Photographic and Electronic Surveillance Equipment Service Provided GERALD KENNY & ASSOCIATES LTD. 17 Upper Ormond Quay, Dublin 7. Phone: 774407, 774669, 774660
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