The Gazette 1981
JUNE 1981
Tipperary Bar Association
High Court Order Restoring Solicitor to Roll BEFORE The President
In his report for the year 1980/81 the Hon. Secretary noted that there were now 82 members of the Association. He paid tribute to the late John Shee, who had been State solicitor of the South Riding of the county for over 30 years and who had recently died. The Association had submitted reports on the state of the Court Houses in its area to the Law Society. The Association's Annual Dinner had attracted the largest attendance ever. The Hon. Secretary had given notice of his retirement, after some 41 years, being concerned at becoming "set in one's ways, narrow minded, conservative, intolerant and not very adventurous." It will be noted from the list of officers, that the Association being presumably unable to diagnose all or any of these symptoms in the incumbent, duly re-elected him! Officers for the year 1981/82: President David Hodgins Vice President Kieran T. Flynn Hon. Secretary John Carrigan Irish Association The Gazette has received a Press release from the newly founded Irish Association of Lawyers for the Defence of the Unborn. Part of the release was as follows: "At a meeting held in Dublin on Thursday 28th May 1981 the Irish Association of Lawyers for the Defence of the Unborn was established. The Chairman is Dermot Kinlen S.C. The Association was founded by a group of lawyers, is completely independent of all other organisations and is non-sectarian. Membership is open to members of the Bar, to Solicitors, to academic and non-practising lawyers, to ar- ticled clerks, to law students, to legal executives and to all persons with a legal qualification. There is no sub- scription and there are no specific obligations, except to support the aims of the Association. Members accept the undisputed findings of modern embryology that human life begins at conception. They therefore hold that natural justice requires that the un- born child, no matter how young, should enjoy the same full protection of the criminal law as is enjoyed by any other human being. The Association plans to arrange conferences for members on various aspects of the legal situation of the unborn child and is also pleased to provide speakers for meetings of other organisations on request." The release was given to the Gazette by one of the Honorary organisers, Paul Byrne, c/o 69 Merrion Road, Dublin 4. 121 of Lawyers for the Defence of the Unborn
In the Matter of The Solicitors' Acts 1954 to 1960 And in the Matter of James G. Orange Applicant Upon Motion pursuant to Notice dated 30th day of March 1981 made to this Court this 25th day of May 1981 by Mr. Aidan Browne S.C. with him Mr. Barry White of Counsel for the Applicant for an Order res- toring the Applicant to the Roll of Solicitors pursuant to Section 10 of the Solicitors (Amendment) Act 1960 Whereupon and on reading the said Notice the affidavit of James J. Ivers filed the 14th day of May 1981 and the documents and exhibits therein referred to and the written evidence adduced on behalf of the Applicant and on hearing Joseph Gilsenan the prospective Employer of the Applicant and on hearing said Counsel for the Applicant and Mr. McDonald S.C. with him Mr. Humphries of Counsel for the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland And the Applicant James G. Orange undertaking in open Court (1) that he will seek and obtain employment with the aforesaid Joseph Gilsenan and if for any reason he wishes to change that employment that he will in- form the Incorporated Law Society; (2) that he will not in any event practise as a Solicitor on his own account pending further Order; (3) that he will practise in the area of Criminal defence and litigation and specifically will not practise in the area of conveyancing and administration of Estates; (4) that he will not give to any Bank or other financial in- stitution any undertaking with regard to retention application or disposal of monies; It is Ordered that the name of James G. Orange be restored to the Roll of Solicitors in accordance with Section 10 (3) of the Solicitors (Amendment) Act 1960 limited by the foregoing conditions And It is Ordered that the Applicant be permitted to hold a banl^ account in his own name in his personal capacity simpliciter And It is Ordered that" this Application do stand ad- journed generally with liberty to the Applicant or the Society to apply to re-enter this Motion The Court Doth Make no Order as to Costs Mary P. O'Donoghue Registrar
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