The Gazette 1980




The President intervened to say that having regard to the matters which emerged in discussion he was sure that Mr. Buckley would agree to the deferment of his motion to a later date. In the interim the matter could be discussed between city and country solicitors. Mr. Buckley agreed to withdraw the motion for discussion and possible rephrasing. Others who spoke to this motion were Mr. Patrick O'Connor, Swinford, Miss Carmel Killeen and Mr. McEvoy. Mr. Laurence K. Shields commented upon the procedure recently adopted by the Government in amending legis- lation by Statutory Instrument and particularly by signing a Statutory Instrument on the same day as the Instrument came into force. The President noted Mr. Shield's remarks and it was agreed that re- presentations would be made in respect of this matter. Appointment of Scrutineers of Ballot for Council for 1980/81 Following the amendment of Bye Law 28 the meeting elected eight scrutineers as follows, Laurence Brannigan, Eunan McCarron, Alexander Mac- Donald, Brian McCormack, Roderick Tierney, Peter D. M. Prentice, James R. C. Green and P. C. Moore. Other Business A matter raised by Mr. M. B. O'MaoOeoin under this heading was ruled out of order by the President. There being no other matters for discussion the meeting was declared closed.

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