The Gazette 1980

Haveyouever thought howyour clientmight seeyou?

excellent performance of our Grobond Funds — managed by the Allied Irish Investment Bank. And we'd like to arm you with all the facts about Grobond Plans. Plans for the self-employed, for the owners of a business, single premium and life insurance Plans. A Plan to recommend whatever your client's needs. So contact us at Insurance Corporation Life — the specialists for business people and the self-employed. Then the next time a client seeks advice about his pension, you can tell him about Grobond. And you can both rely on that.

He sees you as the one who ensures the health of his business and personal financial affairs. The one whose expertise he can rely on. Expertise based on experience and knowledge of the latest techniques, trends and legislation. But what if he seeks your advice about a pension? Will your answers be based on the most up-to-date information? Will you be armed with all the facts? We'd like to give you the most up-to-date information about pensions, by telling you about Grobond from Insurance Corporation Life. About the

INSURANCE CORPORATION LIFE Burlington Load. Dublin 4. I"clcphonc:()l-h()l 377.

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