The Gazette 1980



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amount of salvage the High Court had taken the view that the measures which should be taken should be as in the two cases decided in 1950 (Guernsey Coast) and 1951 (Africa Occidental), respectively. The life- boats in those cases involved ten crew each, something which the High Court had taken to be relevant, the awards being £200 and £250 respectively. In arriving at the remuneration to be awarded to the Plaintiffs the High Court had taken the figure of £250 and had used a multiplier of 6 to allow for inflation since the 1950/1951 period and in view of the fact that ten crewmen were involved in the earlier cases and five crewmen in the present case, had halved the resulting figure of £1500 to give a remuneration of £750 which the High Court had awarded to the Plaintiffs. The Supreme Court affirmed the judgment of the High Court save in one respect — the multiplier used. Held (per Griffin J.) that the multiplier should be that as applied to earnings (not prices) and in the circumstances decided that the multiplier would have been 12 had the attention of the High Court been brought to the relevant issues of the Irish Statistical Bulletin. The result would have been a remuneration of £ 1500 which sum was allowed by the Supreme Court to the Plaintiffs. Dermot Walsh and Others v. The Owners of the M.V. "Ora et Labora" — Supreme Court, (per Griffin J., with Kenny and Parke JJ). 6 April 1979 — unreported. Summaries of judgments prepared by Paula Scully, John Hooper, Francis E. Sowman, Timothy Bouchier- Hayes and edited by Michael V. O'Mahony.

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