The Gazette 1980
Invest with safetyand security. Informat ion on our full range of services is
available from every branch of Bank of Ireland Finance and Bank of Ireland.
A U T H O R I S ED T R U S T EE I N V E S T ME N T. A P P R O V ED BY T HE I N C O R P O R A T ED L A W SOCIETY. FOR I N V E S T M E NT RA T ES R I NG 0 1 - 7 8 5 1 2 2 TE L EX 2 5 5 4 2
Bank of Ireland Finance A B A N K OF I R E L A ND C O M P A NY
Bank of Ireland Finance have branches in Dublin at Blackrock (88851 1). Fairview (331816* Merrion Square (689555) and Tallaght (522333) and throughout Ireland at Athlone (75100). Belfast (27521). Cork (507044). LDerry (6 Í424/ Durdalk (31131) Galway (65231), Kilkenny (22270), Limerick (47766), Sligo (5371), Tralee (22377), Waterford (3591), Omaqh '44694) Newry (66013) and Ballymena (47227)
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