The Gazette 1980




The Register

and 3 of Folio 1303 1); Lands: (1) Carriglegan, (2) Boley Lower, (3) Ballyshawn; Area:(l) 12a. Ir. 5p.,(2) 35a. 2r. 31p.,(3)49a. lr. 24p.; County: Wexford. 21. Registered Owner: Mary Shire; Folio No.: 3082; Lands: Beabus (part); Area: 55a. lr. Op.; County: Limerick. 22. Registered Owner: Patrick Danaher; Folio No.: 5303; Lands: Singland (part); Area: 13a. Or. 22p.; County: Limerick. 23. Registered Owner: Analore (Properties) Limited; Folio No.: 4685; Lands: Marshes Upper; Area: 9a. Ir. 27p.; County: Louth. 24. Registered Owner: Michael O'Connor and Mary O'Connor; Folio No.: 8109; Lands: Killygarry; Area: 36a. Or. 33p.; County: Cavan. 25. Registered Owner: The Dublin District Milk Board; Folio No.: 4426; Lunds: (1) Balgaddy, (2) Kosloge; Area: 72.7.13a.; County: Dublin. 2fi. Registered Owner: Mairead McCormack; Folio No.: 144IF; Lands: Carrowhugh; Area: 0a. lr. 5p.; County: Donegal. 27. Registered Owner: Mary Josephine Whelan; Folio No.: 514 (Revised); Lands: Ratholm; Area: 10a. 3r. 32p.; County: Wexford. 28. Registered Owner: James McCarthy; Folio No.: 12662 (Revised); Lands: Carrigane; Area: 47a. 2r. 8p.; County: Cork. 29. Registered Owner: Thomas Mone (Junior); Folio No.: 1 1433; Lands: Loughbrattoge (part); Area: 14a. 2r. 20p.; County: Monaghan. 30. Registered Owner: Aidan Egan; Folio No.: 7252, 7253, 10138, 10148, 16169; Lands: (1) Barmoney (parts), (2) Barmoney (parts), (3) Coolnagree (parts), (4) Coolnagree (parts), (5) Barmoney; Area: (1) 9a. 2r. 26p.,(2) 15a, 2r. lp.,(3) 35a. lr. 33p.,(4) 30a. Ir. 22p., (5) 6a. Or. Op.; County: Wexford. LOST WILLS Miss Nora O'Connor, deceased. Will any person having knowledge of a Will or Codicil of the above named who died on the 17th day of May, 1980, and who resided at different times at the various addresses set out hereunder. Please contact C. I. Foley & Co., Solicitor, Gort, County Galway. Addresses: 1) St. Paul's Nursing Home, Dooradoyle, Limerick; 2) 1, Elm Park, Lisbeg Lawn, Renmore, Galway; 3) c/o Kathleen O'Loughlin, Lahinch Road, Ennistymon, Co. Clare; 4) St. Kevin's Presbytery, Harrington Street. Dublin 2; 5) Parochial House, Newtown, Kilmacthomas. Co. Waterford; 6) c/o Rev. J. Stone, C.C., Sacred Heart Church. Donnybrook, Dublin 4. Barnadette Fitzhugh, deceased, late of 1, Charlemont Avenue, Dun Laoghaire, Co. Dublin. Will anyone having knowledge of any Will made by the above named deceased who died on or about the 4th May 1980, please contact Mr. Brian Kirby, Solicitor, Blackrock, Co. Dublin. Tel. 888333. Charles Kennedy, deceased, late of 30/3 1 Fitzroy Ave., Drumcondra. Dublin 9. Would any Solicitor or other person having knowledge of any Will of the above named deceased please contact Donal T. McAulitTe & Company, Solicitors. 57 Mcrrior Square. Dublin 2. Tel. 761283. Charles Reynolds, deceased, late of I Patrick's Terracc. North Circular Road, Dublin. Will any person having knowledge of a Will of the above named dcccased who died on the 18th day of July 1979 at Dr. Stecvens Hospital. Dublin, please contact J. Dciancy. Gannon & Co.. Solicitors. Mohill. Co. Leitrim. Tel. Mohill 4 and 79. NOTICES "Second-hand set of current edition of Buttcrworths Modern Forms and Precedents required. 'Phone 765473 during office hours quoting reference PDG". Complete set of First Edition llallsbury's Law of England (thin paper). 31 volumes including index, perfect condition. Price £50.(X). Tel. Mrs. O'Toole Dublin 976584. Ordinary 7 day Publican's liecnee for sale. Apply: Wolfe. Collins. O'KcclTc & Partners. Solicitors. Skibbcrecn. Co. Cork. Ref. M.2072. Ordinary Publican's Licence (7 day) for sale. Price 17.000. Apple Loin C. Daly & Co.. Solicitors. 17. South Mall. Cork. 115


Issue of New Land Certificate An application has been received from the registered owners mentioned in the Schedule hereto for the issue of a Land Certificate in substitution for the original Land Certificate issued in respect of the lands specified in the Schedule which original Land Certificate is stated to have been lost or inadvertently destroyed. A new Certificate will be issued unless notification is received in the Registry within twenty-eight days from the date of publication of this notice that the original Certi- ficate is in existence and in the custody of some person other than the registered owner. Any such notification should state the grounds on which the Certificate is being held. Dated this 25th day of August, 1980. W. T. MORAN (Registrar of Titles) Central Office, Land Registry, Chancery Street, Dublin 7. 1 • Registered Owner: Mary McSweeney; Folio No.: 25147; Lands: Ballincranig (part); Area: 72a. 2r. 17p; County: Cork. 2. Registered Owner: John Doyle; Folio No.: 21681; Lands: Collballow; Area: 0a. 2r. 16p.; County: Wexford. 3. Registered Owner: Hugh Harkin; Folio No.: 38553; Lands: Craig; Area: 4a. 04. 25p.; County: Donegal. 4. Registered Owner: Edward J. Donelan; Folio No.: 16340 (Revised); Lands: Durrow (part); Area: 0a. 3r. 3p.; County: Galway. 5. Registered Owner: Patrick Ballesty; Folio No.: 2114; Lands: Dysart; Area: 39a. Ir. 27p.; County: Westmeath. No advertisement relating to a Lost Land Certificate should be published in the Incorporated Law Society Gazette or elsewhere by Solicitors except under direction of the Registrar of Titles or his Officers. 6. Registered Owner: Michael Scally; Folio No.: 945P; Lands: (1) Mayne (with cottage thereon), (2) Mayne; Area: (1) , (2) 3a. lr. 20p.; County: Westmeath. 7. Registered Owner: Ambrose Gaughan; Folio No.: 52892; Lands: Rathbaun; Area: la. Or. lip.; County: Mayo. 8. Registered Owner: The County Council of County Laois; Folio No.: 382R; Lands: Townparks; Area: 4a. Or. 20p.; County: Queens. 9. Registered Owner: James Joe Gibbons; Folio No.: 4784; Lands: Tiranascragh; Area: 50a. Or. 8p; County: Galway. 10. Registered Owner: Kenneth Moore and Nuala Moore; Folio No.: 11490F; Lands: Moneygurney; Area: 0a. Or. 32p.; County: Cork. 11. Registered Owner: Elizabeth McNamara; Folio No.: 109L; Lands: The leasehold estate in the dwellinghouse and premises situate on the North side of the road leading from Farranshore in the parish of St. Nicholas and City of Limerick measuring in front of the said road 20 ft. and in depth from front to rere 111 ft. 6 inches; County: Limerick. 12. Registered Owner: Owen O'Reilly (Junior); Folio No.: 6531; Lands: Aghnaclue (part); Area: 17a. Or. 16p.; County: Cavan. 13. Registered Owner: Eileen Minehane; Folio No.: 4033F: Lands: Dromleigh South; Area: 2a. Or. 9p.; County: Cork. 14. Registered Owner: Tagaste Limited; Folio No.: (1) 2604, (2) 2799. Lands: (I) Barrystown (part), (2) Ballsughton (part); Area: (1) 36a. 2r. 29p.; (2) 3a. Or. 7p.; County: Wexford. 15. Registered Owner: Edward Williamson; Folio No.: 36838; Lands: Knockskagh; Area: 48a. Ir. 5p.; County: Cork. 16. Registered Owner: William Fisher; Folio No.: 17770; Lands: Tullycleave More (part); Area: 50.438a.; County: Donegal. 17. Registered Owner: John Anthony O'Gorman; Folio No.: 14318; Lands: Doon East (part); Area: 70.769a.; County: Kerry. 18. Registered Owner: Annie and Daniel Sweeney; Folio No.: 241; Lands: Drumtoland (part); Area: 13a. 2r. Op.; County: Donegal. 19. Registered Owner: Mary Anne Rudden; Folio No.: 431 (Revised); Lands: Crceny; Area: 11a. lr. 24p.; County: Cavan. 20. Registered Owner: Martin and Mary Margaret Ryan; Folio No.: 2596 (This folio is closed and now forms the property Nos. 1. 2 Schedule

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