The Gazette 1979
JUNE 1979
fickle spouse can afford to take less than seriously his obligation to marital fidelity because there is no fear of official censure. Do we encourage him to take the best of both worlds? No-one suggests that divorce solves the problem of unstable marriages - the only real answer to that lies in prevention through education and support. Nor can it heal the wounds caused by two warring spouses. It cannot replenish the wasted years or excise the damage but it does permit a clean finish and a fresh start, with, hopefully, lessonsjearnt and experience gained. There is no guarantee of a happy ending but divorce does at least hold out the possibility. Without it there remains the syndrome of break- down, of frustrated people trapped in unsatisfactory relationships, of children soured by their experience at the hands of incompatible parents, of illegitimate children and illicit relationships which have their own form of inherent misery precisely because they cannot be legitimised. We need to stop thinking of marriage as a rigid structure alien to and isolated from the couple who make it function. We must stop thinking of divorce as an inhuman monster who creeps in through open bedroom windows disseminating huge dollops of marital dis- harmony. It is to cherish the nation's children less than equally to expect and to coerce any one of them to live out his or her life in a loveless and embittering union. "Nothing less than love should hold us in the bonds of marriage." I have never been a believer in the philosophy that once you have made your bed you must lie on it — many is the time I have to get out and remake it. In the words of George Bernard Shaw — "Indissoluble marriage is an academic figment advocated only by celibates and by comfortably married people who imagine that if other couples are unfortunate it must be their own fault just as rich people are apt to imagine that if other people are poor it serves them right — Divorce only reassorts the couples, a very desirable thing when they are ill-assorted." (Sub-headings did not form part of the address). REFERENCES 1. Rheinstein: Marriage, Stability, Divorce and the Law. 2. Eekelaar: Family Law and Social Policy. 3. Ibid. 4. Gayford: "Wife-battering - A survey of 100 cases" British Medical Journal, 1975 Vol. 1. Borland: Violence in the Family (M.U.P. 1976). (The paper read to the Conference by Sean P. Bedford, K.S.G. opposing the motion will be published in the next issue). Solicitors' Apprentices Debating Society of Ireland Committee for the 96th Session Auditor: John J. Reid Treasurer: Joseph M. Gavin Records Secretary: James O'Mahony Correspondence Secretary: Miriam O'Callaghan Debating Captain: Sean Meaney Public Relations Officer: Laurence Ennis Social' Secretaries: Maria T. Gillis, Anne O'Neill Ordinary Committee Member: Murrough O'Rourke ex-Officio Committee Member: Liam T. Cosgrave, ex Auditor.
RETIREMENT PRESENTATION TO WILLIE O'REILLY 4 APRIL, 1979 Members of the profession from all parts of the country attended the presentation ceremony in the Society's premises, Blackhall Place, to wish Willie O'Reilly well on his retirement from the society after 33 years. The President, Mr. Gerald Hickey, presented Mr. O'Reilly with a suite of Waterford Crystal and the proceeds of a testimonial fund from the members of the Society.
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