The Gazette 1979
Visit of the Deputy Chairman of the U.S.S.R. Supreme Court The Director General of the Society, Mr. J. Ivers, welcomed the Deputy Chairman of the U.S.S.R. Supreme Court, Mr. E. M. Smolentsey who paid a visit to the Society's premises at Blackhall Palce, during a recent visit to this country. He was accompanied by Mr. G. M. Zeborov, Editor of International Life. The Deputy Chairman addressed public meetings in Dublin and Cork on "Soviet Foreign Policy" and "The System of Soviet Law".
Association Internationale Des Jeunes Avocats The Annual Conference of the Association Internationale des jeunes Avocats will take place in Alicante, Spain on the 17th to 21st September, 1979. obtain further details should contact: The themes for the Conference are:- 1. Latent defects in international Contracts for Sale. 2. The illegitimate child — its future legal status. 3. Entry, training and working conditions of the young lawyer. 4. Environmental pollution. Anybody wishing to attend the Congress or to obtain further details sould contact:- Michael W. Carrigan, Solicitor, 61, Fitzwilliam Square, Dublin 2. Telephone 785766.
Local Authorities Solicitors' Association
The 7th Seminar of the Local Authorities Solicitors' Association was held at the Society's premises at Blackhall Place on the 24th May last. The Seminar was opened by the President of the Society, Mr. Gerard Hickey. Mr. Michael Murphy B.L., Legal Adviser to the Minister for the Environment and Mr. Daniel Brilley, Assistant Law Agent, Dublin Corporation delivered papers at the Seminar. Dublin Solicitors' Bar Association DI SCHARGEOFMORTGAGESOUTOF PROCEEDS OF SALE The Conveyancing Committee of the Bar Association has for some time been considering the problems arising from the increasingly common insertion into Contracts for the sale of properties of a clause to the effect that "on closing the Purchaser will accept the vendor's Solicitor's undertaking to discharge out of the proceeds of the sale the mortgage in favour of the Building Society". While appreciating the practical reasons which give rise to such a clause, the Committee feel that the practice of inserting such clauses in Contracts is not desirable. The Committee recommends instead, that a clause to the following effect would deal with the difficulties which arise in paying off mortgages where sales are being closed and would avoid the undesirable consequences of the clause above mentioned: "When furnishing the Apportionment Account for the closing of the sale, the vendor's Solicitors will furnish to the purchaser's Solicitors a statement from the vendor's Mortgagees setting out the amount required to redeem the mortgage as at the closing date together with the accruing daily rate of interest thereafter and, on closing, the purchaser will furnish to the vendor separate Bank Drafts for the amount required to redeem the mortgage and for the balance of the purchase monies respectively and the vendor will forthwith discharge the mortgage debt to the vendor's Mortgagees and will furnish to the purchaser proper evidence of such discharge and will furnish to the purchaser such release of the mortgage as may be appropriate."
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