The Gazette 1979



country was to take on even one family case annually it would ease the burden of those who become known for handling such cases and could add a new dimension to family law because then each solicitor could see at first hand the anomalies and complexities of family law and could define to the Government, in a professional manner, what we have been trying to do for years in our own amateur style! F OOTNOTE Six full days of the new Professional Training Course which commenced on 19th February this year are devoted to Family Law. This compares with, for example, seven for Criminal Law and fifteen for Conveyancing. Contributors to the Family Law Course include Michael O'Mahony (Chairman of the Planning Sub-Committee for Family Law), Alan Shatter (author of Family Law in Ireland) and Raymond Downey (Dublin Registrar of Marriages). A speaker for AIM will also contribute to the apprentices' understanding of the practical aspects of this field of law and this session will provide a vehicle for dialogue between AIM and the next generation of practitioners.

responsibilities. As he is self-employed there is no attach- ment of earnings. Because of the costs involved in judicial separation, this form of action is out of reach of many of our clients where there is disagreement between the parties on the form of settlement. We feel that in these cases clients need help in two ways, particularly until such time as civil legal aid is introduced in this country. First, solicitors might feel it possible to undertake and work very occasionally in special circumstances at a reduced fee. Secondly, we would ask solicitors if they could give that little extra con- sideration which might save the client from feeling in any way pressurised into signing an agreement which does not in her view represent her best interests, a situation to which those seeking help from AIM sometimes draw attention. AIM has been greatly heartened at the positive response of those members of the profession who are on the panel of solicitors listed as available to give advice on family matters to the Catholic Marriage Advisory Council of Ireland. This panel was canvassed as to their availability to take on family law work and 20 of those circularised agreed to be so listed. It may be that there are others who would be willing to contribute to this important work, even if only in a strictly limited number of cases. Would any interested solicitor not already can- vassed for eithdr panel please contact Mr. J. J. Ivers, the Director General, the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland. Solicitors have a grave responsibility when taking on family cases because the outcome will decide the future lifestyle of that family. However, if every solicitor in the

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