The Gazette 1979

APRIL 1979


West Cork Bar Association

35. Ibid. pp. 3083-3084. 36. At p. 3084 — quoting from its earlier discussion in Gomez v. Peres 409 U.S. 535 [1973] at 538. 37. See judgments of Walsh J. in O'Brien v. Manufacturing Engineering Co. Ltd. 119731IR 334. O'Higgins CJ. in de Burca and Anderson v. A.G. [1976] IR 38 and O'Dalaigh C. J. in O'Brien v. Keogh and O'Brien 11972] IR 144. 38. The State (Healy and Foran) v. Gov. of St. Patrick's Institution and Others, see footnote (19) at p. 40. Judgment of O'Higgins C. J. Also McGee v. A.G. see footnote (12) p. 319. 39. See article entitled "Illegitimacy and the European Convention on Human Rights" by the author 112 I.L.T. and S.J. 167. 40. Art. 9 of this Convention provides that "A child born out of wed- lock shall have the same right of succession in the estate of its father and its mother and of a member of its father's or mother's family, as if it had been born in wedlock." 41. Norway and Sweden. 42. The Preamble to the Convention contains the following state- ment:- "Noting that in a great number of member states efforts have been, or are being, made to improve the legal status of children born out of wedlock by reducing the differences between their legal status and that of children born in wed- lock which are to the legal or social disadvantages of the former. Recognising that wide disparities in the laws of member states in this field still exist. Believing that the situation of children born out of wedlock should be improved and that the formulation of certain common rules concerning their legal status would assist this objective and at the same time would contribute to a harmonization of the laws of the member states in this field." 46. Murtagh Properties Ltd. v. Cleary [1972] IR 330 at 336. 47. See speech of Mr. Patrick Cooney, then Minister for Justice, to the Dail; Dail Debates Vol. 284 No. 1 page 162. 48. Prof. Harry D. Krause "Illegitimacy, Law and Social Policy." The author acknowledges that most of the materialfor this article was obtained during the preparation of a paper in pursuance of a Council of Europe Fellowship for Legal Studies and Research. In the Matter of MYLES P. SHEVLIN A Solicitor and In the Matter of The Solicitors* Acts, 1954 and 1960 TAKE NOTICE that by Order of the High Court dated the 14th day of May, 1979, it was ordered that the name of the above solicitor, Myles P. Shevlin of Glenburnie, Knockmaroon, Chapelizod, Co. Dublin, be struck off the Roll of Solicitors. 43. See footnote (19) p. 40. 44. See footnote (12) p. 319. 45. Art. 45.1.

ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING The Annual General Meeting of the West Cork Bar Association was held at the Parkway Hotel, Dun- manway, on Monday the 19th February, 1979. The officers for the coming year are President, Mr. Edward O'Driscoll, Vice-President, Mr. Hugh Ludlow, Secre- tary/Treasurer, Mr. Michael Pattwell. While the Agenda was long with many and varied topics for discussion most of them were of local nature and probably of little interest to readers of the Gazette. However, the subject of Law Clerks remuneration was discussed at length and the circular from the President of the Incorporated Law Society dated the 19th January and his follow up letter dated 24th January were read and discussed. There was general agreement at the Meeting that the following message should be communicated immediately to the Director General of the Incorporated Law Society: that our Assoication considered the new rates as proposed - particularly the starting rate - a deterrent to solicitors expanding their employment. These rates will have the effect generally of reducing employment in solicitors' offices. That we objected to the large increase of 3 3 |% when our own rates had not increased even by the amount proposed by the National Prices Commission and despite the fact that our claim was lodged in 1975. It is also to be suggested that it is not proper that the same rates should apply to employees outside Dublin as to those living and working in Dublin. A general dissatisfaction with the delay in the Department of Justice resulting in the non-implementation of increased costs was expressed. A sub-committee of the Association, fonned recently to examine new legislation, are to report to the next meeting on the Sale of Goods and the Supply of Services Bill, 1978. County Galway Solicitors Bar Association Officers and Committee for the year 1979-80 President: Brian Claffey. Vice-President: Miss Vivian Emerson. Hon. Secretary: Ciaran Keys. Treasurer: Brian Brophy. Committee: Mrs. Judith O'Loughlin, Miss Finnuala Murphy, Michael Molloy, Frank Callinan, Justin Sadlier, and Allan King. 57 MICHAEL PATTWELL Hon. Secretary.

JAMES J. IVERS, Director General.

R. W. RADLEY M.Sc., C.Chetn., M.R.I.C. HANDWRITING AND DOCUMENT EXAMINER 220, Elgar Road, Reading, Berkshire, England. Telephone (0734) 81977

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