The Gazette 1979

Client Account-Deposits Mercantile Credit Company of Ireland Limited is included in the list of Banks approved by the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland, and offers a first class Deposit service to suit the needs of solicitors and their clients. Incorporated in 1946 we are a wholly owned subsidiary of Mercantile Credit Company Ltd,

which became a member of the Barclays Bank Group in 1976. Licensed as a bank in 1961, Trustee status was granted in 1977. F I NANC I AL S TAT EMENT 30th September 1978 Funds Employed 1978 1977 £ £

Issued Share Capital Revenue Reserves Shareholders Funds Loan Stock






3,938,917 1,000,000 477,912

Deferred and Future Taxation Deposit and Other Accounts

168,040 26,215,176 19,0088,030 31,632,005 21,454,032

Use of Funds Cash, Balances with Bankers etc. Investments in Government Securities Loans, Advances, Leasing and Other Accounts Properties and Equipment

2,970,528 2,715,219 25,748,317 197,941

2,036,233 1,828,193 17,437,697

151,909 31,632,005 21,454,032 ATTRACTIVE INTEREST RATES AVAILABLE For information contact: —J. P. O'Carroll I • IMercantile Credit I k i I Company of Ireland Limited. Head Office: Burton Chambers, 19-22 Dame Street, Dublin 2. Telephone: (01) 756781. Telex: 4526 Branches throughout the country. A MEMBER OF THE BARCLAYS BANK GROUP


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