The Gazette 1979


APRIL 1979

The Register

Young Barrister wishes to purchase law books, preferably Law Reports, either Irish or English. Odd volumes acceptable. Hopefully cheap. Will collect. Box No. 183. Want ed: Legal Typist (with at least three years experience) for Naas Solicitor. Good salary. Phone (045) 97853. LOST WILLS The Very Reverend James Joseph Alston, deceased, late of the Parochial House, Swords, in the County of Dublin, formerly of 44 Nutley Park, Dublin 4, and 61 Clontarf Road, Dublin 3. Will any person having knowledge of a Will of the above named deceased who died on the 3rd January 1979 please communicate with Messrs. Patrick F. O'Reilly & Company, Solicitors, 8 George's Street, Dublin 2. Reverend George Bell — Will any person who possesses an original or copy Will of the above deceased, who was awarded a Doctorate of Music in Trinity College in 1888, please contact Messrs. Maxwell, Weldon & Darley, Solicitors, 19/20 Lower Baggot Street, Dublin 2, quoting their reference PDG. Winifred Lawlor, deceased, late of Flat 22 Adair, Sandymount Avenue, Dublin 4, died on the 5th April 1979. Will any person knowing the whereabouts of a Will of the above-named deceased please get in touch with Messrs. Hayes & Sons, 15, St. Stephen's Green, Dublin 2, Ref. TM.


, Im e of New Land Certificate An application has been received from the registered owners mentioned in the Schedule hereto for the issue of a Land Certificate in substitution for the original Land Certificate issued in respect of the lands specified in the Schedule which original Land Certificate is stated to have been lost or inadvertently destroyed. A new Certificate will be issued unless notification is received in the Registry within twenty-eight days from the date of publication of this notice that the original Certificate is in existence and in the custody of some person other than the registered owner. Any such notification should state the grounds W. T. MORAN (Registrar of Titles) Central Office, Land Registry, Chancery Street, Dublin 7 Schedule (1) Registered Owner: Thomas Kiernan and Patrick Harte; Folio No.: 15822; Lands: Porterstown; Area: Oa. Or. 16p.; County: Dublin. (2) Registered Owner: Patrick McGrath and Anne McGrath; Folio No. 21939; Lands: (1) Carrowcardin; (2) Carrowcardin; Area(1) 22a. lr. 3Op.; (2) 5a. Or. 30p.; County: Sligo. (3) Registered Owner: Michael Turner and Catherine Turner: Folio No. 45779; Lands: Illaun; Area: 6a. 3r. 3p.; 6a. Or. 13p.; la. lr. 7p.; la. 3r. 16p. County: Galway. (4) Registered Owner: Patrick Joseph Tierney; Folio No: 8661; Lands: Pickardstown and Kingstown; Area: 81a. Or. 30p. and 5a. Or. Op.; County: Dublin. (5) Registered Owner: Patrick Tully; Folio No: 2073 (This folio is closed and now forms the property Nos. 1, 2 and 3 comprised in Folio 1807 F); Lands: (1) Owenbeg, (2) Owenbeg and (3) Owenbeg; Area: (1) 12a. 3r. 20p.; (2) 16a. 3r. 34p., (3) 25a. Or. 33p.; County: Sligo. (6) Registered Owner: James Quinn; Folio No.: 1997F; Lands: Oldkilcullen; Area: la. Or. Op.; County: Kildare. (7) Registered Limited Owner: Catherine Hughes; Folio No.: 2455; Lands: (1) Calverstown Little, (2) Calverstown; Area: 17a. 3r. 35p.;(2) 31a. lr. 29p.; County: Kildare. (8) Registered Owner: Eithne Mary Phelan; Folio No.: 22L; Lands: The Leasehold interest in the Lands of Newcourt with the dwellinghouse and premises thereon known as St. Bernards situate on the east side of Newcourt Road in the Urban District of Bray Parish of Bray, Barony of Rathdown and County of Wicklow; County: Wicklow. on which the Certificate is being held. Dated this 30th day of April, 1979.

INVESTIGATIONS Full Photographic and Surveillance available for all assignments. Contact: 70 NORTHUMBERLAND ROAD, BALLSBRIDGE,




DUBLIN 4. Telephone 762840 24-hour Service.

DETECTIVES (PRIVATE) EIRE International Investigators Solicitors' Enquiry Agents — Process Servers — Commercial Enquiries 294 Merrion Road, Dublin 4. Tel. (01) 691561. Telex 30493. 16 Wellington Park, Belfast 9. Tel. (0232) 663668. Telex 747958. LONDON — also BRIGHTON, SUSSEX — NEW YORK. U.S.A.


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