The Gazette 1979


APRIL 1979

OnJune7th, thebiggestelection in Europeanhistorywill pick aParliament forEurope.

proposed legislation. Nothing becomes law

With the Council of Ministers, the Commission and the Court of Justice. the European Parliament is one of the 'big four' at the heart of the EEC.

without th< Parliament

of the people of I•'.urope gi ving their opinion IIrst. So if you don't vote on

This year, for the first time, the 410 members of the European Parliament will be directly elected for live years by 180 million voters from the 9 EEC countries. Ireland will have 15 members in this Parliament, each one making sure that you are effectively represented. The Parliament is the only EEC body that debates in public. The Commission drafts proposals and originates laws, which the Council ol Ministers finally approves. But even though their work is done in private, they must present their conclusions for public debate to the I'arliament. It's through the Parliament then that your chosen representative gives approval or criticism of the

June 7th you could end up witli no one representing your point of view in Europe. r In I nil inn.ilii m nl I lie I nropenn ( (immunities 24 M i n i on Sqiure. I hihlin 2 I'le.ise send me lurllier intnrm.ilinn on Ihe I urnpcjn I'.irli.unenl i ledums

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VOTE! And let someoneyou knowkeep an eye on things. 26

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