The Gazette 1979
The Register
Costello containing 3 perches situate on the west side of Knox Street in the town of Ballyhaunis, (2) Part of the land of Carrownluggaun in the Barony of Costello containing one perch situate on the west side of Knox Street in the town of Ballyhaunis; County: Mayo. (23). Registered Owner: John McGurk; Folio No.: 8810; Lands: Crossreagh; Area: 8a. lr. 15p.; County: Monaghan. (24). Registered Owner: Katherine Sexton, May O'Meara, Nancy Nolan; Folio No.: 3946; Lands: Barnageeragh; Area: 0a. 2r. Op.; County: Dublin. (25). Registered Owner: Kathleen McCabe; Folio No.: 8418; Lands: Gortnasna; Area: 23a. lr. 21p.; County: Cork. (26). Registered Owner: Kathleen McCabe; Folio No.: 26024; Lands: Drummullen; Area: 2a. Or. 16p.; County: Cavan. (27). Registered Owner: John Ridge; Folio No.: 20356; Lands: (1) Carranstown Little, (2) Killaconnigan, (3) Kilmur, (4) Killyon; Area: (1) la. Or. 25p.,(2) 3a. 2r. 37p.,(3) 14a. lr., 10p.,(4) 16a. Or. 20p.; County: Meath. (28). Registered Owner: Conor Hand; Folio No.: 18047; Lands: (1) Ross More West (part), (2) Lisnagard (part); Area: (1) 24a. lr. 29p., (2) 0a. Or. 17p.; County: Roscommon. (29). Registered Owner: John P. Kerr; Folio No.: 10673; Lands: Ballinascarney Lower; Area: 0a. 3r. 33p.; County: Dublin. (33). Registered Owner: Matthew O'Dwyer; Folio No.: 5077; Lands: Ballynaclogh; Area: 1 la. lr. 1 lp.; County: Limerick. (31). Registered Owner: Colm M. Rodgers; Folio No.: 43655; Lands: Killynure or Wilson's Fort; Area: 2.638 acres; County: Donegal. (32). Registered Owner: William O'Brien, Plant Hire Ltd.; Folio No.: 27134; Lands: BallykeefTe; Area: 15a. 2r. 27p.; County: Limerick. NOTICES Assistant Solicitor with considerable experience in Conveyancing coupled with Building Development seeks position in city. Salary negotiable. Apply Box No. 0 0 1. Tel. No. 8 0 3 0 5 9. R E C E I VED AT ÁRUS AN U A C H T A R Á IN On 30 October 1979 the President of Ireland, His Excellency, Dr. P. J. Hillery, received Mr. Gerald Hickey, President of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland, and the Director General. Christmas Cards The Society is producing a Christmas Ca rd which will shortly be on sale. The price will be 15p each. The card will be on good quality white board with the coat of arms of the Society in gold on the front. The left side of the inset will show a line drawing of the Italian corridor in the Society's premises and the right side will carry the greeting. This card is the first of a series, each of which will have a drawing of some outstanding feature of the Society's headquarters. As the supply of cards will be limited intending purchasers should make early a p p l i c a t ^i enclosing cheque for the appropriate amount, plus 20p for postage. Orders for a dozen or more cards post free. Any profit from the sale of cards will be donated to the Solicitors' Benevolent Association.
REGISTRATION OF TITLE ACT, 1964 Issue of New Land Certificate
An application has been received from the registered owners mentioned in the Schedule hereto for the issue of a Land Certificate in substitution for the original Land Certificate issued in respect of the lands specified in the Schedule which original Land Certificate is stated to have been lost or inadvertently destroyed. A new Certificate will be issued unless notification is received in the Registry within twenty-eight days from the date of publication of this notice that the original Certi- ficate is in existence and in the custody of some person other than the registered owner. Any such notification should state the grounds on which the Certificate is being held. Dated this 15th day of December, 1979. W. T. MORAN (Registrar of Titles) Central Office, Land Registry, Chancery Street, Dublin 7. (1). Registered Owner: James Power; Folio No.: 268 Revised; Lands: Clogga; Area: 45a. 2r. 30p.; County: Kilkenny. (2). Registered Owner: Joseph O'Connor; Folio No.: 34181; Lands: Tyone; Area: Oa. lr. 31p.; County: Tipperary. (3). Registered Owner: Robert Burns; Folio No.: 36041; Lands: (1) Mullaghglass, (2) Mullaghglass (two undivided 46th parts); Area: (1) 13a. lr. 13p., (2) 527a. lr. 29p.; County: Galway. (4). Registered Owner: Michael Cleary; Folio No.: 2253 (This folio is closed and now forms the property No. 1 comprised in folio 21193); Lands: Lissadonna; Area: 14a. 3r. 21p.; County: Tipperary. (5). Registered Owner: Michael Cronin; Folio No.: 4624 (This folio is closed and now forms the property No. 1 comprised in folio 11449F); Lands: Lyre; Area: 10.438a. Or. Op.; County: Cork. (6). Registered Owner: Martin Kerins; Folio No.: 2986; Lands: Cloneen; Area: 20a. Or. 29p.; County: Galway. (7). Registered Owner: Denis Horgan; Folio No.: 12742; Lands: Tooreennascarty; Area: 124a. 2r. 4p.; County: Kerry. (8). Registered Owner: John S. Sirr; Folio No.: 9671; Lands: Davagh; Area: 17a. lr. 20p.; County: Monaghan. (9). Registered Owner: James Carey; Folio No.: 4113; Lands: Aghnamullen; Area: 17a. lr. 35p.; County: Monaghan. (10). Registered Owner: Michael Looney; Folio No.: 12576; Lands: Erry; Area: 45a. lr. 27p.; County: Tipperary. (11). Registered Owner: Thomas Murphy and Bridget Murphy; Folio No.: 35221; Lands: Killeenrevagh, Killeenrevagh, Killeen- revagh; Area: (1) 9a. 3r. 20p., (2) 7a. lr. 35p., (3) 0a. lr. Op.; County: Mayo. (12). Registered Owner: Patrick Neill; Folio No.: 2656; Lands: Ballymaghroe; Area: 63a. 2r. 6p.; County: Wicldow. (13). Registered Owner: Thomas Brady; Folio No.: 4444; Lands: Wateraghy; Area: 41a. Or. Op.; County: Cavan. (14). Registered Owner: John A. Cullinane; Folio No.: 17028 (This folio is closed and now the property No. 1 comprised in folio 11817F); Lands: Cashel Commons; Area: 20.156a. Or. Op.; County: Cork. (15). Registered Owner: William Carey; Folio No.: 49272; Lands: (1) Derreens, (2) Derreens (one undivided 5th part), (3) Derreens Island (one undivided 5th part), (4) Derreens (Island adjacent to Derreens, one undivided 5th part); Area: (1) 21a. 2r. 24p., (2) la. 2r. 24p., (3) 8a. 2r. 20p., (4) la. 3r. 31p.; County: Mayo. (16). Registered Owner: Edward Madden and Joan Madden; Folio No.: 1947F; Lands: Raynestown; Area: 0a. 2r. 16p.; County: Meath. (17). Registered Owner: James Anthony McLoughlin; Folio No.: 32974; Lands: Ballylosky; Area: 0a. 2r. Op.; County: Donegal. (18). Registered Owner: Seamus Peyton; Folio No.: 22447; Lands: Cloonskeeveen; Area: la. lr. 30p.; County: Roscommon. (19). Registered Owner: William Feely; Folio No.: 19996, 19999 (Those folios are closed and now form the property Nos. 1, 2 and 3 comprised in folio 28055); Lands: (1) Enagh, (2) Bunreagh, (3) Bunreagh; Area: (1) 6a. 2r. 25p., (2) 2a. 3r. 30p., (3) 5a. lr. 10p.; County: Roscommon. (20). Registered Owner: John Madden; Folio No.: 1344; Lands: AghnaclifT; Area: 2a. 2r. 27p.; County: Longford. (21). Registered Owner: Peter Cawley; Folio No.: 27874; Lands: Snugborough in the Barony of Carra containing 30 perches; County: Mayo. (22). Registered Owner: Thomas Johnston; Folio No.: 25166; Lands: (1) Part of the land of Pollnacroaghy situation in the Barony of
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