The Gazette 1979
"SOCIETYmeansabuildingsociety establishedforthepurpose f raisingfunds formaking loanstomembersonsecurityby themortgageoffreehold orleaseholdestate orinterest"
The success of the IRISH PERMANENT in complying with this objective may be judged by the record £300,000,000 it has advanced in house purchase mortgages over the last 20 years. The IRISH PERMANENT guarantees SECURITY OF CAPITAL • FLEXIBLEWITHDRAWALS CONFIDENTIALITY• ATTRACTIVETAXFREE INTEREST
The IRISHPERMANENT offers awide range ofinvestment options needs ofSolicitors andtheirclients andthere is nominimumor maximuminvestment . For furtherdetailsplease contact themanagerofyour nearest branch IRISH
suitedto the
PERMANENT BUILDING SOCIETY Head Office: O'Connell Sreet, Dublin 1. Tel. No. 788333- Authorised to accept trustee deposits.
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