The Gazette 1979
Interest on High Court Lodgement Deposits Following representations to the President of the High Court and discussions between the Society and the Federation of Insurers, C.I.E., Bord Na Mona and E.S.B., agreement has now been secured on a revised procedure to be adopted in relation to Court Orders in respect of payment out of monies lodged in Court by Defendants. The revised procedure will be as follows:— 1. On consent judgements, where there is a lodgement, the interest on lodgement up to the date of making the order should be paid to the Defendant, or his Solicitor, and all interest accruing on the lodgement from the date of the Order until payment out to be paid to the Plaintiff. 2. In cases where an award is made by the Court the same provisions should apply, except if the amount of the award is less than the amount of the lodgement, then the interest from the date of the order payable to the Plaintiff should only be on the net amount of the decree or Judgement after deduction of costs and the interest on the excess amount of the lodgement and on the costs be paid to the Defendant. 4. In infant cases similar provisions would apply on the basis that the operative date for payment of the interest to the infant Plaintiff would be from the date of the ruling of the settlement. The President has kindly agreed to make his colleagues on the Bench and the relevant Court officials aware of what has been agreed upon. Practitioners should instruct their Counsel to apply for Orders on these terms.
Solicitors Golfing Society Results Captain Frank Byrne's Prize at Mullingar
Captain's Prize: William Tormey (17), 36 pts.; Runner-up: Tom Shaw (6), 34 pts on last hole. St. Patrick's Plate: Gordon Ross (10), 35 pts.; Runner-up: Brian O'Brien Kenny (5), 34 pts on 2nd nine. Veterans Cup: Frank Byrne (12), 31 pts; Runner-up: Frank Gleeson (23), 28 pts. 13 and Over: Declan Fallon (13), 31 pts. on 2nd nine; Runner-up: John M. O'Donnell (13), 31 pts. 1st nine: Noel Tanham (9), 19 pts.; 2nd nine: Frank Johnston (11), 16 pts. on last 3. More than 30 miles: Brian Whitaker (2), 33 pts; 3 cards by lot: Cyril Coyle (9), 27 pts. Solicitors Golfing Society Officers for 1979/80 President: President Incorporated Law Society. Captain: Philip Meagher. Hon. Secretary: Paul W. Keogh. Hon. Secretary: John R. Lynch. Committee: Henry N. Robinson, Gerard M. Doyle, David Bell.
Saint Luke's Cancer Research Fund Gifts or legacies to assist this Fund are most
Expert Evidence in Handwriting
gratefully received by the Secretary: ESTHER BYRNE, "Oa k l a nd ", Highfield Road, Rathgar, Dublin 6. Telephone 976491.
T. R. Davis, M.A., B.Litt. (Oxon.), Lecturer in Bibliography, University of Birmingham, will give expert forensic opinion on any kind of forged, anonymous, or otherwise suspect document, whether written, printed, or typed. Department of English, University of Bermingham, P.O. Box 363, Birmingham, B15 2TT, England. (Phone 021 472 1301 ext. 3081).
This Fund does not employ canvassers or collectors and is not associated with any other body in fund raising.
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