The Gazette 1979




JULY COUNCIL MEETING Solicitors Remuneration

The Council was informed that the Minister for Justice was now prepared to agree to increases in Court Costs as follows:—

Proceedings arising out of road accidents as agreed with the Accident Claims Standing Committee of the Federation of Insurers in Ireland. 1. The following are the minimum proper fees which, in the opinion of the Society, should be accepted by a member of the Society where written instructions are given for:— a) Attending a Court of Summary Jurisdiction where a plea of guilty is to be made in proceedings under Section 52 or 53 of the Road Traffic Act 1961 (as amended by Sections 50 and 51 of the Road Traffic Act 1968) b) Attending a Cou rt of Summary Jurisdiction to defend any proceedings under Section 52 of the said Act (as amended) £27.00 c) Attending a Cou rt of Summary Jurisdiction to defend any proceedings under Section 53 of the Act (as amended) £35.00 d) Attending to observe such procefedings£27.00 e) Attending at a Coroner's Inquest £21.00 2. Where a report of the proceedings is required, a minimum fee for the report should be £20.00. A report should contain the names of witnesses, a summary of the evidence of each, decision of the Court and an appreciation of the evidence on the question of civil liability for damages. 3. Where any of the above matters are conducted in a town other than the town where the Solicitor has his principal office, there should be a reasonable addition for time and travelling expenses. 4. The minimum fee does not apply in cases of exceptional difficulty or responsibility. Reasonable additional fees should be paid in such cases. Postal Strike The Council unanimously expressed its appreciation of the services given by Pearts, Town Agents, during the £27.00 Mr. John Moloney was thanked on behalf of the Society on completion of his term as representative of the Society and for the tremendous work he had undertaken during his term of office and particularly in relation to the production of the Lawyers' Identity Card. He is being replaced by Mr. Raymond Monahan. Seminars To develop the Society's continuing legal education programme and the organisation of Symposia for the public, the Society has appointed Mr. Patrick Quinn as Training Officer. strike to the profession at large. Irish Delegation to the CCBE

Superior Courts — Nil; Circuit Court — 25%; District Court — 75%.

Extreme dissatisfaction was expressed at the outcome of the protracted inquiry by PrQfessor Lees and its subsequent consideration over a very long period by the National Prices Commission and the Departments of Industry, Commerce & Energy and Justice. Eventually, the Council approved of its representatives on the District Court Rules Committee agreeing to the proposed increase. It decided to defer a decision in relation to the This will be held from 1st - 4th May, 1980. Mr. Patrick O'Connor, Swinford, Co. Mayo, will be Chairman of the Organising Committee. Law Clerks Remuneration Having considered an objection, the Law Clerks Joint Labour Committee has now agreed to the proposed new scales. These will come into force as soon as the Labour Court promulgates the order. The Inspectorate of the Department of Labour will be notified of the revised rates immediately they come into force. Seminars A well attended Seminar on Labour law was held in Kilkenny on 9th July for solicitors in the South East. The guest speaker was Mr. Ercus Stewart, B.L. Upwards of 200 attended a Seminar on Taxation organised by the I.F.A. in Birr. Mr. Donal Binchy was the principal speaker. The Public Relations Committee propose organising Symposia on Consumer Protection and the Year of the The first group of apprentices under the new system completed their intensive 6 months course on 27th July and following a short leave break will be commencing practical training in their masters' offices. It is intended that the 18 months training period will be carefully monitored by Professor Woulfe and his staff with a view to improving the course in light of the experience gained. Child in the Autumn. Education Programme Circuit Court Costs. Annual Conference


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