The Gazette 1979
very kind letter concerning the elimination of the arrears in the Dublin Circuit. We appreciate greatly the generous gesture of The Council in sending us their thanks. We are pleased that the result of our effort is satisfactory to the Dublin Solicitors. My colleagues and I wjsh to thank the Solicitors of Dublin for their co-operation and help which we received from them during the past strenuous twelve months. That co-operation and help were decisive factors in our success. Yours sincerely, Thomas J. Neylon. CONVEYANCING NOTE LAND REGISTRY FOLIOS Mote from the Dublin Solicitors' Bar Association To avoid confusion, it is perhaps worth reminding practitioners that the Land Registry has in the recent past instigated the practice of including the letter " F " in the numbers of newly created freehold folios. The profession has long been familiar with the concept of the letter "L" designating leasehold folios, so the recently introduced practice is not, of itself, strange. What may, however, be misleading to the unwary is that the Land Registry is not applying the letter " F " to every freehold folio, both old and new. Instead, the Registry is using the same numerical range as was already utilized both for " L" folios and for the former "undesignated" freehold folios. Thus there are now many recently created freehold filios designated by the letter "F", but bearing the same number as the older "undesignated" folios. When bespeaking documents or conducting dealings in the Land Registry it is now essential to ensure, in the case of freehold folios, that all documentation should include the letter " F ", if appropriate, and should carefully avoid that letter in the case of older folios.
DUBLIN CIRCUIT COURT Rumour has it that it has become more difficult of late to obtain adjournments by consent in the Dublin Circuit Court! Perhaps regrettably, the Bar Association must acknowledge a certain complicity in this state of affairs, having played a modest part in, first, pressing the President of the Circuit Court to clear off the very con- siderable arrears which he had inherited and, subsequently, give such modest assistance as we could in achieving an improvement. In the event, the President of the Circuit Court achieved a miracle and the vast volume of both Criminal and Civil arrears was eliminated. The Association felt moved to express to the President the appreciation of Dublin practitioners of his heroic efforts on our behalf and was delighted to receive in reply a very kind letter from the President which, with his permission, is reproduced below. An Chiiirt Chuarda (The Circuit Court) Na Ceithre Cúirteanna (Four Cpurts) Baile AthaCliath 7 (Dublin 7) (Continued from previous page) 55. Sirena v Eda, supra at footnote 54, para. 8101. 56. Id. 57. Case 192/73, Van Zuylen Fréres v Hag A.G.; [19741 E.C.R. 731 at 744. 58. Id. (Emphasis added). 59. Case 19/75, Terrapin Ltd. v Terranora Industrie; [1976] 2 C.M.L.R. 482. See also, e.g., Case 24/67, Parke Davis v Probel and Others; \ 19681 E.C.R. 55; [19681 C.M.L.R. 238. 60. Terrapin Ltd. v Terranova Industrie, supra at footnote 49, at 506. 61. A uniform system of trade mark law exists in the Benelux countries. 62. See, e.g.. Van Zuylen Fréres v Hag A.G., supra at footnote 57. 63. See, e.g., the cases cited in footnote 59. 64. This memorandum was written in the light of earlier work by the E.E.C. Commission on trade marks. Initiatives on the harmonization or unification of industrial property law were taken in 1959. These gave rise in 1964 to a draft Convention for a European Trade Mark. Further work in the field was suspended until 1973, when preparation of the latest proposals began. 65. Article 3(H) of the E.E.C. Treaty provides for the approximation of the laws of the member states to the extent required for the proper functioning of the common market. 66. This prediction was made by the Controller, Mr. M. J. Quinn, in his report for 1977. The Office of the Controller has been represented at several meetings called by the Commission on the proposals. Dear Mr. Smyth, My colleagues and I are very grateful to you and to the Council of the Dublin Solicitors' Bar Association for your
The Association will be holding a meeting for Apprentices who are about to qualify and recently qualified Apprentices on Career Prospects on Wednesday 16 May in Blackhall Place.
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