The Gazette 1978

- APRIL 1978



10-17 SEPTEMBER, 1978

BUSINESS PROGRAMME Monday, September 11, 1978 Opening Plenary Session at the Sydney Opera House. The Governor General of Australia, His Excellency Sir Zelman Cowen, A.K., G.C.M.G., K.St.J., Q.C. has been invited to deliver an address.

Tuesday, September 12, 1978 Topic 1 — "The Protection of Consumers". Presented by the International Federation of Women Lawyers and the Section on Business Law of the International Bar Association.

Wednesday, September 13, 1978 Topic 2 — "The Practical Use of Computer Technology in the Law Office". Presented by the Section on General Practice of the International Bar Association.

Thursday, September 14, 1978 Topic 3 — "The Provision, Operation and Accessibility of Legal Aid". Presented by the International Legal Aid Association.

Friday, September 15, 1978 Topic 4 — "Government Regulation of the Practice of Law as it affects the Scope of Profes- sional Conduct and Practice of Lawyers". Presented by the American Bar Association and The Law Society (England and Wales).

General Meetings of the Sections on Business Law, and General Practice, and Meetings of Com-' mittees of these Sections, will be held during the week of the Conference. A full Social Programme has been arranged.

Programmes and Registration Forms for the Conference are available from the Director General, International Bar Association, Byron House, 7 - 9 St. James's Street. London SW1A 1EE, Tel. (031) 9306432. Registration Forms should be returned to the International Bar Association before 5th June, 1978, or subsequently before the 31st August, 1978, on payment of a late Registration Fee.


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