The Gazette 1978



PRACTITIONERS GUIDELINES Rent Restrictions Acts What is a controlled letting? All lettings are controlled except the following: 1. (a) A house let as a single dwelling, whether R.V. exceeds £40 in Dublin or Dunlaoghaire or £30 elsewhere (b) A dwelling let as a separate and self-contained flat where the R.V. exceeds £30 in Dublin or Dunlaoghaire or £20 elsewhere (c) Any other dwelling where the R.V. exceeds £60 in Dublin or Dunlaoghaire or £40 elsewhere. 2. Dwellings erected on or after 7th May, 1941. 3. Local Authority Houses. 4. Furnished lettings, where the rent attributable to the dwelling is less than three fourths of the total. 5. Where the owner possesses the house as his residence on or after 31st December, 1960. 6. Where the Landlord actually gets possession of the house on or after 8th June, 1966. 7. Dwellinghouses converted after 31st December 1960, into separate and self-contained flats. 8. Dwellings let with land where the R.V. of the land exceeds either half the R.V. of the total or £10 or £5 elsewhere. 9. A house of which a bachelor or Spinster between 21 and 65 becomes tenant after 9th May, 1967, and where the R.V. exceeds £10. 10. Lock-up business premises. Did You Know? Did you know that a married woman has no legal obligation to call herself by her husband's name. The custom arose in the middle ages and the term "Mrs. Murphy" is an abbreviation of the term "Mistress of Murphy".

that women should be fully represented in the legal profession as well as the courts and tribunals. It is likely for instance that the common law would be able to command greater public confidence in those areas which particularly affect women if a greater proportion of women were involved in the administration of justice. Traditional habits of mind, of women as well as of men, customs and practices need to be changed. But women workers, solicitors or otherwise, are not unaided or alone: rights and protections exist in law. Two Acts introduced by the former Minister for Labour — the Anti-Discrimination (Pay) Act 1974 and the Employment Equality Act 1977, represent vital catalysts for change. Pamphlets concerning these Acts may be got free of charge from the Employment Equality Agency, c/o Dept. of Labour, Mespil Road, Dublin 4. Dissemination of information is one object to be pursued, equally important is the activation of group discussion. Yours etc. Mary Redmond,

Lecturer in Law, U.C.D., Solicitor; Member of the Employment Equality Agency.



Independent Actuarial Advice regarding Interests in Settled Property and Claims for Damages BACON & WOODROW

R. W. RADLEY M.Sc., C.Chem., M.R.I.C. HANDWRITING AND DOCUMENT EXAMINER 220, Elgar Road, Reading, Berkshire, England. Telephone (0734) 81977

Consulting Actuaries 58 Fitzwilliam Square Dublin 2 (Telephone 762031)

DETECTIVES (PRIVATE) EIRE International Investigators Solicitors' Enquiry Agents — Process Servers — Commercial Enquiries 294 Merrion Road, Dublin 4. Tel. (01) 691561. Telex 30493. 16 Wellington Park, Belfast 9. Tel. (0232) 663668. Telex 747958. LONDON — also BRIGHTON, SUSSEX — NEW YORK, U.S.A.


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