The Gazette 1978
15.1 The Committee is concerned with the pubUcation of legal textbooks and commentaries which otherwise would not be available to the profession. The Committee works in collaboration with the Arthur Cox Foundation and also with the Incorporated Council of Law Reporting for Ireland. 15.2 Late in the year, in association with the Arthur Cox Foundation and Professional Books, the Committee was privileged to launch Irish Conveyancing Law by John Wylie. The book follows the high standard set by Mr. Wylie in Irish Land Law. Unfortunately, due to the impact of inflation and VAT, the new book at £30.50 for the standard edition or £40.50 for the leather-backed edition, is expensive. Nevertheless, it appears to be enjoying a good sale at the moment. 15.3 The Committee expects to launch A Guide to the PlanningActs by Mr. Kevin I. Nowlan, Planning Department, University College, Dublin, early in November 1978. This will be followed in the new year by a complementary book A Commentary on Planning Law by Mr. E. Walsh, S.C. Other possible publications in hand are: Corporation Tax; Labour Law; Licensing Law; Constitutional Law Casebook; An Office Manual for the guidance of staff with no legal experience. Hopefully, some of the publications listed will appear in print in the coming year. 15.7 During the year the Committee had discussions with the Stationery Office regarding the non-availability of newly enacted statutes and of the bound volumes. While the difficulties of the Stationery Office were appreciated, it was felt that every effort should be made to ensure that the profession's equipment in this vital area was adequate. Conse- quently, representations were made to the Minister for Finance with a view to rectifying the position. To date a final reply has not been received. 15.5 The Society's representatives on the Incorporated Council of Law Reporting for Ireland, Peter Prentice, John Buckley, Thomas Jackson and the Director General, participated fully in the work of the Council over the year. 16.1 In early June the greater part of the Library was moved from the Four Courts to Blackhall Place where it is situated on the law school side of the building. The magni- tude of the task was greatly lessened by the very enthusiastic assistance of S.A.D.S.I. I would like to extend sincere thanks to Michael Murphy, then Auditor, and to the other members of the Debating Society, for their tremendous work. 16.2 A small collection, for reference use only, has been left in Solicitors' Buildings in the Four Courts. This comprises the Acts of the Oireachtas, British Statutes, the Irish Reports, the following English Reports: the Law Times Reports, the Times Law Reports, the Weekly Notes and the Weekly Law Reports, together with a small collection of textbooks. 16.3 While photocopying facilities are available in both places, members requiring reports or statutes for use in court may borrow the volumes they require from the Library in Blackhall Place for a period of twenty-four hours on the understanding that failure to return these books will incur a heavy fine. Textbooks may, of course, be borrowed by members in the usual way and by apprentices on payment of a deposit. 16.4 The total amount spent on the purchase of books and periodicals for the year ending 30 April 1977 was £5,217, and on binding, £1,239. Corresponding figures for the previous year were £4,514 and £573.53 respectively. 16.5 As you already know, Colum Gavan Duffy retired at the end of June after twenty-seven years as Librarian to the Society. Having worked with Colum for the past four years I am greatly indebted to his vast knowledge of law librarianship for much of what I have learnt. I would like to express my very grateful thanks to him for all his help and guidance to me and to wish him every happiness and success in all he undertakes in his retirement.
John F. Bocldcy
Walter Beatty Michael W. Cwrlgan Garrett P. GDI Deamood J. Moran Donoogh O'Connor Michael V. 0*Mahony
Margaret Byrne
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