The Gazette 1978
complete agreement being reached on the heads of a draft Regulation to be submitted to the parliamentary draftsmen. It is anticipated that this document will be given legislative effect with little or no alteration. We would like to express our very real appreciation of the patience, understanding and co-operation which we received from the representatives of the Department of Justice. 12.8 As usual all the other draft Directives were kept under constant review by the Committee. In nearly all cases these draft directives require a high degree of specialised knowledge and we have not been slow to take advantage of the willingness of many colleagues, not members of our Committee, who have been prepared to give us the benefit of their knowledge and a considerable amount of their time. The E.E.C. Committee is perhaps one of the most difficult of the Law Society's Committees because it demands some degree of familiarity with a system of law which is quite foreign to our own and which daily appears to become more and more complex. The task of the Committee is, however, made very much simpler than it would otherwise have been by the capability, good humour and sheer efficiency of its secretary, Miss Margaret Byrne. Her very real contribution to the efficient running of the Committee is very much appreciated by every one of its members.
13.1 A milestone for the Society was the official opening of our new law school and headquarters in Blackhall Place. The Society was privileged that An Taoiseach, Mr. Jack Lynch, T.D., officiated on that occasion. 13.2 Co-incidental with the opening of the premises, the overnight facilities for members were brought into use. To date, there has been a steady demand for accommo- dation. Reservations, which should be made in advance, are handled by Miss A. Kane or Miss H. Dunne. Other facilities now provided for members include rooms for consul- tations and company meetings and bar services. These are available from Monday to Friday between 12.30 p.m. to 2.30 p.m. and 4.30 p.m. to 7.30 p.m. At the close of the year efforts were being made to provide a snack lunch for both members and apprentices attending lectures. 13.3 By 30 September 1978 the builders, G. & T. Crampton and Co. Ltd., had almost completed the reconstruction work. As a result, our new offices are being used as a centre for services and lectures for members and apprentices. 13.4 In the Four Courts, the Society transferred the top two floors of Solicitors' Buildings to the General Council of the Bar of Ireland. Being mindful of the needs of members using the consultation rooms in the premises, the long vacation was availed of to provide a members' room and to up-grade a substantial part of the accommodation. Efforts have been made to improve the telephone services in Solicitors' Buildings and it is hoped shortly to have two coinbox telephones in the members' room in addition to an extension to the switchboard in Blackhall Place. Messages for members in the Four Courts area can be relayed through the Society's main telephone number (01—710711) or by telex. 13.5 To facilitate members engaged in court practice, a reference library is being retained in Solicitors' Buildings. 13.6 At the suggestion of Mr. John Jermyn, a new venture by the Committee during the year was a decision to lay down a cellar with a view to establishing a wine club as soon as is feasible.
Walter Beatty
Gerald Hlckey Thomas Jackson John B. Jermyn Gerald J. Moloney Patrick C. Moore Patrick F. O'Donnell William A. Osborne Peter D. M. Prentice Moya Quintan
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