The Gazette 1978
10.1 During the year the main matters before the Committee were the continuation of the discussion of the issues and the problems arising from the Reports of the Prices Commission on Solicitors' Remuneration, the Civil Legal Aid Report and the attitude that should be adopted towards the proposed inquiry by the Restrictive Practices Commission into Prohibition on Advertising. Pressures with regard to the improvement of the attitude of such commisssions towards the profession is continuous. A report has been prepared for submission to the Council for the purpose of putting before the Restrictive Practices Commission the attitudes of solicitors to the prohibition on advertising and the pros and cons of such restriction in so far as the profession is concerned. 10.2 It was unanimously agreed that a Directory of Services be prepared on the lines of those in existence in England, Wales and Scotland. This would provide information to the public with regard to their requirements of services from solicitors and where and from whom those services and specialist expertise would be available. It was felt that this would alleviate any obvious areas which might be lacking in the availability of the necessary information to assist the community in their requirements of solicitors' services in their legal and other needs. 10.3 The main area of public interest during the year was in the transmission to the public of details of the new education system and Maurice Curran, as Chairman of the Education Committee and the Education Committee itself, had a very difficult task and ought to be complimented in the manner in which they dealt with the public, the press and students. In this area they gave at all times, the proper image of the profession in so far as transmitting to the public and students the advantages and benefits of the new system and at all times there was full co-operation between the two committees. 10.4 Thanks to the assistance of Michael O'Mahony and the Right Rev. Msgr. Sheehy, President of the Ecclesiastical Matrimonial Court, the publication on Marriage Annulments in the Catholic Church is now ready and available. 10.5 Leaflets on the following: Buying or Selling a House; If a Family Breaks Up\ How the Society Helps You ; and How you can help your Solicitor were examined, drafted and circulated. 10.6 Thanks to the Publications Committee and particularly to John Buckley and Michael O'Mahony, the Gazette has very much improved and has given a better communication within the Society. 10.7 During the year, we had the retirement of Colm Gavan-Duffy as Librarian and Editor of the Gazette. His years of service to the members of the profession and his able assistance to the many he was in contact with rendered an area of public relations communication that will be missed. May he have many years of further fulfilment in his retirement. There was a reasonable approach in 1978 by the media, including radio and television, in relation to the profession, but here again one cannot over emphasise to individual solicitors where necessary, to avoid justifiable criticism which would reflect on the profession as a whole in so far as service to the community is concerned. As our President pointed out, what the solicitor provides is in reality a service which should be run on a proper business basis. No more than any other profession, trade or employment, there are the strong, the weak, the good and the bad, but it is true to say that many of us could reflect more intensely on the service which we give the public. The bad criticism which comes from such bad service in the case of some individuals, could be very much alleviated, if we were to improve the internal structures of our offices and not to be hesitant in endeavouring to get good personnel. This will always be got by the realistic payment of proper salaries and by the provision of proper working facilities for such personnel both qualified and unqualified. A solicitor's service of a high degree, if given, will be paid for by the public and our image as a profession will undoubtedly improve. 10.9 A very informative meeting was held with Muiris Mac Conghail, Controller of Programmes of R.T.É. Television. As a result it was felt as a policy, as far as possible, that there should be little confrontation with radio, television and press. 10.10 A symposium has been arranged on "The Law on the Farm" to be held on November 30. This is to be run in conjunction with the Irish Farmers Association and is being subsidised in relation to part of the cost by the Agricultural Credit Corporation. 163 10.8
William D. McEvoy
Donal G. Blnphy Richard J. Branlgan Frances D. Daly Thomas Jackson Peter Murphy Patrick F. ODonnell Michael V. O'Mahony Moya Quintan
William D. McEvoy, Chairman
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