The Gazette 1978



Minister for Finance, Mr. Colley, over the delay in making the printed statutes and regulations available and the non-availability of bound volumes of the statutes prior to 1970. 2.12 In this area, it is pleasing to recall the success of the Society in its declaratory action on the Prison Rules Regulations 1976. Tribute must be paid to the work of Mr. P. C. Moore and his Committee and to the Society's legal team. In addition, during the year the Society made appropriate representations to the O'Brien Committee to Recommend Certain Safeguards for Persons in Custody and for Members of An Garda Síochána. Mr. Bruce St. John Blake, immediate Past President, was appointed to the Commission on Industrial Relations. 2.13 Conveyancing Matters: Arising out of representations from a Bar Association and representation by the Society, the Department of Agriculture (Land Commission) agreed, subject to certain conditions, to give a general consent to sub-division in the case of building plots. Also during the year, the A.C.C. agreed to revise arrangements for legal costs. 2.14 After considerable difficulty and delay in drafting, the Society's standard form of Requisition on Title is now with the printers and should be available shortly. Attention is drawn to the new standard form of undertaking which will have the support of the Society. 2.15 Bar Liaison: The Council continued its discussions during the year with the General Council of the Bar of Ireland on matters of mutual interest. Some progress has been made and further meetings are to be held. 2.16 Members' Services: Much thought has been given to the development of services for members. During the year the following developments took place: (i) Professional Indemnity Insurance: The arrangements with J. H. Minet (Ireland) Ltd. for the provision of a service continued. Experiences reported to the Council during the year emphasise the importance of every practice carrying this type of cover. It is frightening to realise that, as far as the Council is aware, at least half of the practices in the country still do not carry professional indemnity insurance. In the case of new practices the Registrars Committee is recommending a minimum cover of £150,000. (ii) Superannuation Scheme: The Finance Committee report which follows, details the satisfactory state of the fund which is now almost £700,000. A further promotional drive on behalf of the scheme will be made next February/March. (iii) Company Formation: The demands on the service continue to increase, which in itself is an indication that the service is appreciated by members. At the time of going to press, a special Committee under the chairmanship of Mr. Maurice Curran, is reviewing this and related services, including town agency, with a view to improving and expanding the facilities for members. (iv) Saleable Forms and Publications: The Publications Committee, under the chairman- ship of Mr. John F. Buckley, has detailed its programme later in the Report. Otherwise, through its various Committees the Council is endeavouring to standar- dise forms and produce them for members at a minimum cost. (v) Employment Register: This year continuing efforts were made to activate and expand the Society's Employment Register. It is satisfactory to record that the needs of several firms which had difficulty in recruiting staff, were met. It is hoped that employers and solicitors seeking appointments will avail of the service.


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