The Gazette 1977
APRIL 1977
6. GUIDELINES - FAMILY LAW BREAKDOWN OF MARRIAGE SOCIAL WELFARE BENEFITS ON DESERTION (A) DESERTED WIFE'S BENEFIT (1) This is payable to a wife where she is (a) Deserted for at least three months and (b) Receiving no money from her husband and (c) If childless, aged over forty and (d) Resident in the State for any two years and (e) Either herself or her husband has the necessary number of Social Welfare Stamps (i.e. 156 contributions before the desertion date paid on a yearly average of at least thirty-nine in either the three or the five years before the desertion). Note: The wife can still get the benefit if in receipt of income from a source other than her husband but where she is entitled to a State pension she must opt either for the pension or the Deserted Wife's Allowance. (2) How to Claim Claim forms may be obtained from and should be submitted to the Department of Social Welfare, Phibsboro Tower, Dublin 7. (3) What evidence is required for Payment? Department of Social Welfare will send an officer to investigate each case and to see that the wife qualifies under all of the headings listed above. She will also have to show that she has taken maintenance proceedings against her husband if she knows his address or will have to show that she tried in every way reasonably possible to trace him by contacting the Garda, the I.S.P.C.C. and the Salvation Army. If the husband is on the dole no allowance is payable but on an application by the wife, the unemployment exchange will pay a part of his dole directly to her. (4) How much is Payable under Deserted Wife's Benefit? The maximumfigure is £12.60 per week for a wife and £4.25 per week for each child under eighteen or under twenty-one if a student. (B) HOME ASSISTANCE (1) Where wife is deserted for less than 3 Months Here a wife may be entitled to Home Assistance if she can show the local assistance officer that she is unable to support herself or her children and she will be given a small amount of money and food, fuel or other necessaries at the discretion of the officer. This assistance is given on a weekly basis and may also be given where the wife cannot qualify for a Deserted Wife's Benefit under the headings (c) and (d) above. (2) How to Apply Contact the Regional Health Board or, if none, the local County Council.
44 Lower Mount St Dublin 2.
Family Law Information and Reform.
P.O. Box 673, Dublin 4. P.O. Box 84, Cork. Limerick Social Service Centre, Henry Street, Limerick.
Advice for deserted and alone parents.
Broleek, Ravensdale, Dundalk, Co. Louth.
Dominican Priory, Upper Dorset St, Dublin 1.
Information and family placement for single mothers.
2 Pembroke St, Dublin 2.
Assistance for single mothers and legal and social reform.
Catholic Marriage Advisory Council
35 Harcourt St, Dublin 2. Phone 01-780688. Details of branches throughout the country can be obtained from above.
Advice and support in the area of marital relationships.
Marriage Counselling Service
43 Molesworth St, Dublin 2. Phone 01-764659.
Counselling service on marriage associated with the Church of Ireland. » Help and accommodation for battered wives.
Irish Woman's Aid Society
P.O. Box 791, Dublin 1.
(C) SOCIAL ASSISTANCE ALLOWANCE (1) Where there is no Social Insurance Cover In this case a deserted wife may qualify for a Social Assistance Allowance if she qualifies under all of the other headings for the Deserted Wife's Benefit and passes a means test. This allowance is payable at the same rate as the non-contributory widow's pension. (2) How to Claim Claim forms may be obtained from and should be submitted to the Department of Social Welfare, Phibsboro Tower, Dublin 7. 61
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