The Gazette 1977
APRIL 1977
immediately after the period of study of an occupation in which he was subject to Belgian law on retirement and survivor's pensions for employed persons. The dispute led the Tribunal du Travail, Charleroi, to ask the Court of Justice whether the requirement that the person concerned must have been employed, in this case in Belgium, immediately after the period of study, is affected by Article 9 of Regulation No. 1408/71, as being a clause under which admission to voluntary or optional continued insurance is made conditional upon the obligation to complete an insurance period, or by any other provision of a Community Regulation. Article 9 (2) of Regulation No. 1408/71 provides that "Where, under the legislation of a Member State, admission to voluntary or optional continued insurance is conditional upon completion of insurance periods, any such periods completed under the legislation of another Member State shall be taken into account, to the extent required, as if they were completed under the legislation of the first State." The plaintiff in the main action states that the regular- ization of periods of study for the purpose of determining the pension rights of the employed person is a matter of admission to continued voluntary or optional insurance involving the application of the Community legislation. The Court stated that the assimilation of periods of study to periods of employment is devoid of purpose unless it gives those concerned the benefit of insurance for the periods in question subject to their paying the contributions prescribed by the national legislation. The Court has ruled that the expression "voluntary or optional continued insurance" appearing in Article 9 (2) of Regulation No. 1408/71 covers assimilation to periods of employment for the purposes of insurance in respect of periods of study, whether or not there is any continuation of existing insurance.
Solicitors' European Group of the English Law Society |olnt meeting with The Incorporated Law Society of Ireland
Great Southern Hotel, Killarney (16-19 June 1977)
LECTURES Impact of EEC Legislation on Business Law Speaker Ray Snow, Lecturer, College of Law, London. Business Law in the EEC Speakers John Fish, Solicitor, and John D. Cooke, Barrister- at-Law. Ireland as a Tax Haven Speaker Anthony E. Collins, Solicitor. Nature and Enforcement of Matrimonial Rights Speakers Alan J. Shatter, Solicitor, and an English Solicitor.
Detailed programmes and registration forms are available from the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland, Blackhall Place, Dublin 7.
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Consulting Actuar ies 58 Fitzwilliam Square Dublin 2 (Te l ephone 7 6 2 0 3 1 )
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