The Gazette 1977



(Social Work and Law). Sweet and Maxwell, 1970. Tolley ( Harvey and Lambert. Treitel (G. H.) — The Law of Contract, 4th Edn. Stevens, 1975. Twining (William) and David Miers — How to do Things with Rules. Law in Context. Weidenfeld and Nicholson, 1976. Thomas (Patricia) — Evidence. Butterworth, 1972. (Cracknell's Law Students Companion). Tyas (J. G.) — Law of Torts, 3rd Edn. Macdonald and Evans, 1977. (Three copies). Underhill (A. W.) — Law of Partnership, 10th Edn. by Hardy Ivamy. Butterworth, 1975. Vandyk (Neville) — Accidents and the Law. (It's Your Law). London, The Law Society, 1975. Wilkinson (H. W.) — A Commentary on Standard Conditions of Sale of Land, 2nd Edn. Oyez, 1974. Wilkinson (H. W.) — Pipes, Mains, Cables and Sewers, 3 rd Edn. Oyez Practice Notes, No. 57, 1976. Williams (Donald) and Melvyn Stein — A Solicitor's Introduction to Solicitor's Accounts. (Concise College Texts). Sweet and Maxwell, 1975. Williams (T.) — The Law of Title — 1st Supplem. to 4th Edn. Butterworth, 1977. Witchell (Rowland) — ed: Practice and Procedure, 6th Edn. Oyez, 1977. Volume 1; Volume 2 — Conveyancing; Volume 3; Volume 4 — Matrimonial Proceedings; Volume 5 — Non-contentious Probate and Private Limited Companies. ) — Taxation in the Republic of Ireland, 1976-77 by S.A.D.S.I. Committee of the Society for the 94th Session 1977-78 Michael D. Murphy . Auditor Janet Doherty Treasurer Adrienne Grant Correspondence Secretary Declan Sherlock Records Secretary Murrough O'Rourke . Junior Ordinary Member Ciaran B. O'Mara .... Ex-Auditor (ex officio) Miriam Keane Social and Dress Dance Secretary

Notes No. 62, 1976. Mostyn (F.K.) — Marriage and the Law — It's Your Law. London, Law Society, 1976. Neyloh (Ted) and Frank Dunlop — Guide to the 21st Dail and Seanad. Platform Press, Blackrock, 1977. Oliver (Mary) — Cases in Company Law. Macdonald and Evans Handbooks, 1972 and 1976. O Siochain (P.A.) — The Criminal Law of Ireland, 6th Edn. Dublin, Foillsioncain Dli, 1977. (Three copies). Oxford Essays in Jurisprudence, ed. A. W. Simpson — Second Series — Clarendon Press, 1973. Palmer (Sir Francis Beaufort) — Comfpany Law. 2 Vols (Vol. 2 — Looseleaf) — 22nd Edn. by Clive Schmitthoff, M. Kaye and G. Morse — Stevens, 1976. (Two copies). Park (W. D.) — Notes on the Discovery and Inspection of Documents, 2nd Edn. ed. by Gatenby — Oyez Practice Notes No. 58, 1975. Parris (John) — Casebook of Arbitration Law. London, George Goodwin Ltd., 1976. Pennington (Robert) — Companies in the Common Market, 2nd Edn. Oyez, 1970. Phipson (Sidney L.) — The Law of Evidence, 12th Edn. by John H. Buzzard, Richard May and M. N. Howard. Sweet and Maxwell, 1976. (Common Law Library No. 10). Pinson (Barry) — Revenue Law, 10th Edn. Sweet and Maxwell, 1976. Pollock (Seton) — Legal Aid: The First 25 Years. Oyez, 1975. Porter (David S.) — Profitable Management of a Solicitor's Office. Oyez, 1976. Powell-Smith (V.) — Contract, (4th Edn. 1973) CrackneU's Law Students (5th Edn. 1977) Companion, Butterworth. Pritchard (John) — Personal Injury Litigation. Oyez Practice Notes. No. 63. Oyez Publishing, 1976. (Two copies). Puissochet (J. P.) — The Enlargement of the European Communities — (European Aspects) — Leyden, Sijthoflf, 1975. Radcliffe (G. R. W.) and Lord Geoffrey Cross — The English Legal System, 6th Edn. by G. T. Hand and D. J. Bentley. Butterworth, " 1977. Ridall (J. G.) — The Law of Trusts. Butterworth, 1977. Ridall (J. G.) — Equity and Trusts. (Cracknells Law Student's Companion), 2nd Edn. Butterworth, 1974. Roberts (G) and W. T. Major — Commercial and Industrial Law, 2nd Edn. 1972. Macdonald and Evans Handbooks. Rosen (Lionel) — Matrimonial Offences, 3rd Edn. Oyez, 1975. Samuels (Roger) — Equity and Succession (Concise College Texts). Sweet and Maxwell, 1974. Sanctuary Gerald and Constance Whitehead — Divorce and After. Oyez, 1976. Sanders (P.) — Dutch Company Law. (European Commercial Library No. 6). Oyez, 1977. Saunders (M. Roy) —Tax Planning for Businesses in Europe. Butterworth, 1977. Schwarzenberger (Georg) — International Constitutional Law. Stevens, 1976. Scageant (E. G. and B. J. Sims — The Law of Stamp Duties and English Capital Duty, 7th Edn. Butterworth, 1977. Shaw (Sir Sebay) and Dennis Smith — The Law of Meetings, 4th Edn. Macdonald and Evans, 1974. Sheldon (N. J. P.) — Practice and Law of Banking, 10th Edn. by C. B. Drover and R. W. Bosley. Macdonald and Evans, 1972. Sheridan (J. A.) — Rights in Securities (Securities over Chattels and Ships and Mortgages) — London, Collins, 1974. Shetreet (Simon) — English Judges on Trial — Oxford, North Holland Publishing Co., 1976. Slater (J. A. — Mercantile Law, 17th Edn. by Lord Chorley and O. C. Giles — Pitman, 1977. Smith (F. E.) — Company Law, 2nd Edn. Cracknells Law Student's Companion. Butterworth, 1976. Smith (J. C. ) and J. A. Thomas — A Casebook on Contract, 6th Edn. Sweet and Maxwell, 1977. Staubach (Fritz) — The German Law of Agency and Distributorship Agreements (European Commercial Library No. 7). Oyez, 1977. Stratton (I. G.) and I. S. Blackshaw — Partnership, 2nd Edn. Oyez Practice Notes No. 60, 1972. Statute Law — The Key to Clarity — London, Statute Law Society, 1972. Taylor (Noel Leigh) — Doctors and the Law (It's Your Law) — London, The Law Society, 1976. Telling (A. E.) — Planning Law and Procedure, 5th Edn. Butterworth, 1977. Temperley (R.) — The Merchant Shipping Acts, 7th Edn. by M. Thomas and O. Steel. Stevens, 1976. Terry (Jennifer) — A Guide to the English Children's Act, 1975 214

Maria Durand Eugene Tormey

Debating Captain



Mr. George Eason died on 17th June, 1977. Mr. Eason was admitted in Trinity Term, 1942, and practised in Fermoy, Co. Cork. Mr. Patrick J. Groarke who died on 2nd September, 1977, was admitted in Easter Term, 1934, and practised in Athlone, Co. Westmeath. Mr. Frederick Conway who died on 11th November, 1977, was admitted in Trinity Term, 1931, and practised in Claremorris, Co. Mayo. Mr. Dermot Curran died on 22nd October, 1977. Mr. Curran was admitted in Easter Term, 1950, and was a partner in the firm of Mason Hayes & Curran, 6 Fitzwilliam Square, Dublin 2. Mr. George Joaeph Geraghty died on 11th November, 1977. Mr. Geraghty was admitted in Michaelmas Term, 1930, and was a partner in the firm of Geraghty & Co., Eyre Square, Galway.


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