The Gazette 1977
Proctlce for Sole. Goodwill of old established Law practice in West Cork town, with or without the premises. Reply Box. No. 165. Solicitor with experience of District Court practice, Litigation and Conveyancing seeks change, preferably to Munster. Reply Box No. 166. B.C.L. Student requires a Master in Cork City or County. Reply to Box No. 167. LOST WILL William Sherwood deceased. Would any person having any knowledge or information as to the existence or whereabouts of the original of a Will of the above named deceased made and executed on the 12th day of August, 1942, the deceased having died on the 24th day of August, 1942, or of the existence or whereabouts of any subsequent will or codicil thereto, kindly contact the undermentioned solicitors — William A. Lee &>Son, Kilmallock, Co. Limerick. Schedule—continued (25) Registered Owner: Maurice Mulcahy; Folio No.: 18162; Lands: Moyeightragh; Area: 0a. lr. Op.; County: Kerry. (26) Registered Owner: Bernard Joseph Rodden; Folio No.: 4775; Lands: (a) Rathowen, (b) Derrydoan; Area: (a) 87a. Or. 27p. County: Westmeath. recognise individual rights" must not define rights so that they are "cut off for supposed reasons of the general good". Just as the power of arbitrary imprisonment is the cornerstone of tyranny, so the limitations on this power form a large part of the foundations of democracy. The experience we have had with the internment procedure in Ireland shows clearly the abiding tension between conflicting forces of individual liberty and the common good. To return to Gandhi's concept of the "unjust law", it seems plain as a result of this discussion that internment without trial is open to attack on grounds of constitutional illegality, but within its protective shield of emergency legislation it strives to uphold social order and the integrity of the State. Only from that perspective is internment a "just" law, but unfortunately the measures taken for the security of the State may be grounded on very nebulous premises. As remarked earlier, the harmonisation of civil and personal rights with supervening demands of national security forms probably the most intractable problem for constitutional law. Our experience with systems of internment and detention without trial has given us a useful insight into it. Internment and Detention without trial In Irish Law (continuedfrom p. 164)
REGISTRATION OF TITLE ACT, 1964 Issue of new Land Certificate
An application has been received from the registered owner mentioned in the Schedule hereto for the issue of a Land Certificate in substitution for the original Land Certificate issued in respect of the lands specified in the Schedule which original Land Certificate is stated to have been lost or in- advertently destroyed. A new Certificate will be issued unless notification is received in the Registry within twenty-eight days from the date of publication of this notice that the original Certificate is in existence and in the custody of some person other than the registered owner. Any such notification should state the grounds on which the certificate is being held- Schedule (1) Registered Owner: The County Council of the County of Mayo; Folio No.: 7612; Lands: Kiltimagh; Area: Oa. Or. 30p; County: Mayo. (2) Registered Owner: Denis Fitzpatrick; Folio No.: 8016; Lands: Cloghran; Area: 0a. 2r. Op.; County: Dublin. (3) Registered Owner: Delia Morrisroe; Folio No.: 24796; Lands: Lava Beg; Area: (a) 0a. Or. 32p., (b) 0a. Or. 32p., (c) 0a. Or. 33|p.; County: Mayo. (4) Registered Owner: Joseph McGonagle; Folio No.: 3612; Lands: Balleeghan Upper; Area: 18a. Or. 25p.; County: Donegal. (5) Registered Owner: John Kennedy; Folio No.: 10462; Lands: Boherroe; Area: 12a. 2r. lp.; County: Limerick. (6) Registered Owner: Patrick Dunlea; Folio No.: 5861; Lands: Knockyhena; Area: 32a. Ir. 15p.; County: Cork. .(7) Registered Owner: Harry Pringle; Folio No.: 5935; Lands: Barnhill; Area: 8a. 3r. 10p.; County: Dublin. (8) Registered Owner: Evelyn Dunford, Michael Higgins and Margaret Higgins; Folio No.: 4387L; Lands: The leasehold estate in part of the Townland of Crumlin in the Barony of Uppercross with the dwellinghouse and premises thereon situate on die east side of GreenhiUs Road; County: Dublin. (9) Registered Owner: Kevin Bodkin; Folio No.: 18956; Lands: Dangan; Area: (a) 16a. 2r. 22p., (b) 4a. Or. 20p.; County: Meath. (10) Regiatered Owner: Kevin Bodkin; Folio No.: 5888; Lands: Dangan (part); Area: 3a. 2r. 6p.; County: Meath. ' (11) Registered Owner: John Francis Neylan; Folio No.: 1033; Lands: Ballygastell; Area: 45a. 3r. 3 lp.; County: Clare. (12) Registered Owner: Michael McGuinness; Folio No.: 10462; Lands: Cram; Area: 9a. 2r. 10p.; County: Monaghan. (13) Registered Owner: Michael McGuinness; Folio No.: 10279; Lands: Cram (part); Area: 6a. 2r. 7p.; County: Monaghan. (14) Registered Owner: Michael McGuinness (Junior); Folio No.: 10283; Lands: Cram; Area: 2a. 2r. Op.; County: Monaghan. (15) Registered Owner: Edward Fanning and Margaret Gertrude Fanning; Folio No.: 997; Lands: Newtownallen; Area: 140a. 2r. 8p.; County: Kildare. (16) Registered Owner: Blanche Veronica Vivian Dennehy; Folio No.: 149R; Lands: Ballymoodranagh; Area: 103a. 3r. 9p.; County: Waterford. (17) Registered Owner: The County Council of the County of Roscommon; Folio No.: 21394; Lands: Lisroyne; Area: 0a. lr, 29p.; County : Roscommon. (18) Registered Owner: James Walsh and Patrick Walsh; Folio No.: 9442; Lands: Carrickmore; Area: 10a. lr. 25p.; County: Cavan. (19) Registered Owner; Thomas P. Cosgrove; Folio No.: 4595; Lands: Mollyglass; Area: 12a. lr. 39.; County: longford. (20) Registered Owner: Phil Boyle; Folio No.: 18723; Lands: Leabgarrow (part); County: Donegal. (21) Registered Owner: Dudley MacDonald (tenant in common of one undivided moiety), Joseph MacElroy (tenant in common of one undivided moiety); Folio No.: 16801; Lands: (1) Ballyfair, (2) Ballysax Little , )3) Ballyfair; Area: (1) 6a. 2r. 7p., (2) 9a. Or. 9p., (3) 20a. Or. Op.; County: Kildare. (22) Registered Owner: Nora Mannion; Folio No.: 1377; Lands: (a) Turlough, (b) Kilbrickan; Area: (a) 1 la. 3r. 23p., (b) 12a. 2r. 1 lp.; County: Galway. (23) Registered Owner: Michael Bolger; Folio No.: 6315; Lands: Piercetown; Area: 65a, lr, 30p., County: Meath. (24) Registered Owner: Catherine M. Molloy; Folio No.: 13461; Lands: Kilnamannagh (part); County: Dublin. m M ^ í S m ™ ^ N. M. GRIFFITH, Registrar of Titles ° f N ° V C m b e r ' 1 9 7 7 ' Central Office, L a nd ReKÍStry Chancery Stmt. Dublin 7.
7. (1940) I.R. 136 8. (1960) I.R. 93 Yearbook of the European Court of Human Rights, Vol. 3, pp.492-524
9. Dail Debates, 31 Aug 1976. col 12 10. Dail Debates, 20 Nov 1957, col 712
11. (1966) I.R. 501 12. (1966) I.R. 516. 13. (1940) I.R. 470 14. at p. 479 15. at pp. 151-152 16. at p.153 17. (1966) I.R. 509.
18. at p.152 19. at p. 147 20. at p. 154 21. at p.482 22. Chapter 4 of the Diplock Commission, Cmnd. 5185
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