The Gazette 1977
THE INCORPORATED LAW SOCIETY OF IRELAND DIRECTOR PROFESSIONAL LAW SCHOOL The new Professional Law School of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland, will commence operation in Autumn, 1978. The School will be responsible for the professional training of prospective solicitors in the Republic of Ireland. The candidates will enter at Graduate level. The Society wishes to appoint a full time director, who will become the School's chief executive. The position is intended to be permanent and a contributory pension scheme will be operated. However, the Society is willing to consider a non-permanent appointment for a minimum period of 5 years. Applications are invited from solicitors with considerable practical experience. Teaching experience would be an advantage but is not essential. The objective of the Law School will be to duplicate office or practical working conditions and considerable experience is essential — preferably in general practice. The director will have the assistance of a full-time director of training who was appointed in June last and who is at present planning the course schedules in co- operation with the Society's specialist committees. Commencing salary will be negotiable but not less than £10,000 per annum. Replies with full details of career to date marked personal, should be sent to: James J. Ivers, Director General, Incorporated Law Society, Blackhall Place, Dublin 7. English Law Society Hall, Chancery Place, London. 5th-8th October: Attended National Conference of the Law Society for England and Wales in Harrogate. 12th October: Attended Annual Dinner of Corporation of Insurance Brokers of Ireland. 13th October: Attended Dublin Stock Exchange Biennial Dinner, Trinity College, Dublin. 14th October: Opened the Fifth Annual Seminar of the Local Authorities Solicitors Association. 15th October: Attended Society of Young Solicitors' Autumn Seminar. 17th October: Attended Meath Bar Association, Beechmont Hotel, Navan. 18th October: Hosted/Presided at Dinner in Blackhall Place. 20th October: Attended Annual Dinner of the Dublin Chamber of Commerce. 21st, 22nd, 23rd October: Attended opening ceremonies of the Antwerp Bar. 24th October: Attended the Annual General Meeting of the Dublin Solicitors' Bar Association. 25th October: Hosted/Presided at Dinner at Blackhall Place. 26th October: Attended Reception for Austrian National Day. 28th and 29th October: Attended opening ceremonies of the Brussels Bar. Received by the President of the Belgian Parliament. 1st November: Hosted/Presided at Dinner at Blackhall Place. 6th November: Attended annual Citizenship Service, Christ Church Cathedral.
Section 27 of the 1976 Act entitles any person to apply to the High Court for an injunction prohibiting an unauthorised use of land and it is clear that such an order may be made notwithstanding the expiration of the five year period for the service of an Enforcement Notice. So far as can be ascertained at this stage Planning Authorities have not in fact been invoking Section 26 in cases where the original Development or the original change of use took place more thanfive years ago but there is no guarantee that Planning Authorities will continue to exercise such forbearance. Fortunately in the cases in which they are most likely to be put under pressure to serve such a Notice, namely where local residents are concerned about some unauthorised use the Planning Authority can say to such pressure Groups that the procedure laid down by Section 27 can be adopted immediately by the residents without the need of the Planning Authority's participation. As far as the effect of the two Sections on Conveyancing Practice is concerned it has been recommended by both Counsel that a Purchaser's Solicitor ought to make detailed enquiries as to the use of any premises for sale. If it does not go back before the 1st of October 1974 or if there is no Planning Permission for it the Purchasers Solicitor would do well to seek a Statutory Declaration from some person who is beyond argument competent to depose to the relevant facts and which establishes that the use in question was in existence prior to October 1964. Purchasers Solicitors may consider it advisable to alter general Condition Number 17(2) of the Society's Standard Condition of Sale so as to provide that the Warranty given by the Vendor should extend back to the 1st October 1964. PRESIDENT'S DIARY OF ENGAGEMENTS 17th September: Attended joint meeting of Donegal, Leitrim and Sligo Bar Associations in Donegal. Attended Dinner Dance that night. 20th September: Hosted reception for Dublin members at viewing of Blackhall Place. 20th September: Hosted/Presided at Dinner in Blackhall Place. 21st September: Hosted reception for Dublin members at Viewing of Blackhall Place. 23rd September: Attended 25th Anniversary meeting of Netherlands Law Society in Amsterdam. Received by Queen Juliana of the Netherlands. 27th September: Hosted reception for Dublin members at viewing of Blackhall Place. 27th September: Hosted/Presided at Dinner in Blackhall Place. 28th September: Attended Annual Dinner of Incorporated Law Society of Northern Ireland at Culloden Hotel, Craigavad, Co. Down. 29th September: Attended meeting of Bar Association Cavan. 30th September: Attended Annual General Meeting and Dinner of Solicitors' Golfing Society at Heath Golf Club, Portlaoise. Attended reception to mark 50th Anniversary of A.C.C. 2nd October: Attended Dinner given by President of Law Society of England and Wales in London. 3rd October: Attended ceremonies for opening of Law Term in London at Law Courts, Westminster Abbey and House of Lords. Received by the Lord Chancellor and Master of the Rolls, Lord Denning. Attended Dinner at 166
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